The Hotel Center platform helps you optimize and manage your hotel prices for Hotel Ads. To access Hotel Center, you must be onboarded to Hotel Ads through direct integration or an integration partner.
For existing partners
Ask the account owner on your team to provide access. To provide access to other users for Hotel Center, complete the following:
- Sign in to your Hotel Center account.
- Click the invite icon
in the top-right corner.
- Enter the email address of the user you'd like to grant access to.
- Select the access level needed for the new user. (Find information on specific access levels below.)
- Ensure the “Notify people” box is checked so the user can receive access instructions if they haven't previously accessed Hotel Center through the provided email address.
- Click Invite.
- When shared, an invite will be sent to the user’s email. If the user hasn't previously accessed Hotel Center, they'll need to validate their email address through the link provided by Google to gain access.
Account owners can specify different access levels per user, allowing for the following permissions within Hotel Center:
- Manage: Can modify accessibility of all users in the account, in addition to all Account writer permissions
- Access: Can read and export property information
- Account writer: Can edit, upload, and delete property information, in addition to all Access permissions
For new prospective partners
For users who aren't currently signed up for Hotel Ads but are interested in direct integration with Google, refer to the Hotel Ads onboarding guide to determine what to expect when you connect to Google. We recommend working with an integration partner that's connected to Google if you anticipate you may require dedicated resources. For more details, review the Hotel Prices Documentation Overview.