Google Play Books refund policies in EEA countries & the UK

Important: These policies apply only to purchases made through the Google Play Books app or the "Books" tab of the Google Play Store.

If your ebook or audiobook won't load or play, before you request a refund, try these troubleshooting steps.

If your refund is approved, the ebook or audiobook may be removed from your library and you may not be able to read or listen to it.

Ebook refund policy

You may request a refund within 7 days of purchase, except for rentals of ebooks for which all sales are final.

If the ebook is defective, unavailable, or doesn’t perform as stated, you can request a refund at any time.

Audiobook refund policy

All sales are final, except for the following instances:

  • If the audiobook is defective, unavailable, or doesn’t perform as stated, you can request a refund at any time.

Bundle refund policy

If you bought an ebooks bundle, you’ll only be able to request a refund for the full bundle. You can request a full-bundle refund within 7 days of purchase, as long as you haven't downloaded or exported more than 2 books in the bundle.

Multi-quantity purchases (ex. "Buy for groups") refund policy

Google may give refunds for some multi-quantity purchases if requested within 14 days of purchase, depending on the publisher.

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