Fix payment issues on your account

If you try to buy something on Google Play but your payment is declined or won't process, try the steps below.

Troubleshoot payment and order issues

If you've bought something then have a problem with or question about it, see problems with in-app purchases or returns and refunds for Google Play purchases.

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Verify your payment info

Your payments profile might be deactivated. To reactivate your profile, submit your payment information.

  1. Sign in to Google Pay.
  2. At the top, select Alerts Notification bell icon.
  3. If you have a critical alert, enter your payment information and wait for the team to respond.

    Google Pay notifications
  4. Check your email for the review results.

Try to pay with a different payment method

If there's a problem with one payment method you can try paying with a different one.

  1. On your Android phone or tablet, open the Google Play Store app Google Play.
  2. Go back to the item you want to buy & tap the price.
  3. Tap the current payment method.
  4. Choose a different payment method or add a new one.
  5. Follow the onscreen instructions to complete your purchase.

Fix credit and debit card errors

There may be a problem with your credit or debit card if you see one of the following error messages:

  • "Unable to process payment: low card balance"
  • "Unable to complete transaction. Please use another form of payment"
  • "Your transaction cannot be completed"
  • "Unable to complete transaction: expired card"
  • "Correct this card info or try another card"

To fix these errors, try the following steps:

Important information for PayTM users in India

Important: From July 15th onwards, PayTM eWallet will no longer be available as an accepted form of payment on Google Play.

Users are advised to add an alternative form of payments in their play account. Users are also advised to update their existing subscriptions with the alternative payment method to avoid interruptions. Learn how to manage your payment methods and the list of accepted forms of payment on Google Play in India.

Important information for Mobile billing users in India

Important: From July 31, 2024 onwards, Idea and Vodafone Mobile billing will be suspended as an accepted form of payment on Google Play.

Users are advised to add an alternative form of payments in their play account. Users are also advised to update their existing subscriptions with the alternative payment method to avoid interruptions. Learn how to manage your payment methods and the list of accepted forms of payment on Google Play in India.

Fix errors with other payment methods (direct carrier billing, online banking, Google Play Balance, Gift Cards, and more)

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