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To maintain a quality experience, we consider your ad’s content, audience, user experience, behaviour, security and privacy. We consider ads and associated offers as part of your app; they must also follow all other Google Play policies. We also have additional requirements for ads if you’re monetising an app that targets children on Google Play.
You can also read more about our app promotion and store listing policies here, including how we address deceptive promotion practices.
Ad contentThe ads and associated offers are part of your app and must follow our Restricted content policies. Additional requirements apply if your app is a gambling app.
Inappropriate adsThe ads and their associated offers (for example, the ad is promoting the download of another app) shown within your app must be appropriate for the content rating of your app, even if the content by itself is otherwise compliant with our policies.
Examples of common violations
① This ad is inappropriate (Teenager) for the content rating of the app (Everyone) |
Families ads requirementsIf you’re monetising an app that targets children on Google Play, it’s important that your app follows the Families Ads and Monetisation policy requirements.
Deceptive adsAds must not simulate or impersonate the user interface of any app feature, such as notifications or warning elements of an operating system. It must be clear to the user which app is serving each ad.
Disruptive adsDisruptive ads are ads that are displayed to users in unexpected ways, that may result in inadvertent clicks, or impairing or interfering with the usability of device functions. Your app cannot force a user to click an ad or submit personal information for advertising purposes before they can fully use an app. Ads may only be displayed inside of the app serving them and must not interfere with other apps, ads or the operation of the device, including system or device buttons and ports. This includes overlays, companion functionality and widgetised ad units. If your app displays ads or other ads that interfere with normal use, they must be easily dismissible without penalty.
Better ad experiencesDevelopers are required to comply with the following ad guidelines to ensure high-quality experiences for users when they are using Google Play apps. Your ads may not be shown in the following unexpected ways for users:
This policy does not apply to rewarded ads which are explicitly opted-in by users (for example, an ad that developers explicitly offer a user to watch in exchange for unlocking a specific game feature or a piece of content). This policy also does not apply to monetisation and advertising that does not interfere with normal app use or gameplay (for example, video content with integrated ads, non-fullscreen banner ads). These guidelines are inspired by the Better Ads Standards – mobile apps experience guidelines. For more information on Better Ads Standards, please refer to Coalition of Better Ads.
Made for adsWe don’t allow apps that display interstitial ads repeatedly to distract users from interacting with an app and performing in-app tasks.
Examples of common violations
Lock screen monetisationUnless the exclusive purpose of the app is that of a lock screen, apps may not introduce ads or features that monetise the locked display of a device.
Ad fraudAd fraud is strictly prohibited. For more information, refer to our Ad fraud policy. |
Use of location data for adsApps that extend usage of permission- based device location data for serving ads are subject to the Personal and sensitive information policy, and must also comply with the following requirements:
Usage of Android advertising IDGoogle Play services version 4.0 introduced new APIs and an ID for use by advertising and analytics providers. Terms for the use of this ID are below.
For more information, refer to our User data policy.
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