Currency support for Brazilian Real and required taxes

Google offers currency support for Brazilian Real (BRL). Because BRL is supported, developers are able to set prices and offer paid items in BRL on Play and receive Play earnings disbursements in BRL.

Note: You can still price your applications in other supported buyer currencies.

In order to be paid in BRL, you must have a bank account located in Brazil. New Brazilian Play Console developer accounts automatically use BRL as their default currency. If you’re a developer located in Brazil and your default currency is not set to BRL, Brazilian withholding taxes will apply to your earnings from sales to Brazilian customers. You can find out more about Brazilian withholding taxes here.

Migrate your developer account (applies to developers located in Brazil)

If you’re a developer located in Brazil whose default currency is not set to BRL and you offer paid apps, in-app purchases, or subscriptions to customers in Brazil, you may want to review the information below about migrating currencies to BRL.

Step 1: Create a new account

First, make sure that you’re signed out of any existing Google accounts. Then, create a new Google account and sign up for a Google Play developer account.

Before signing up, make sure you're signed out of your existing developer account. You can sign up for a new developer account at

Important: When you create a new developer account, you must pay for registration using a local form of payment with a billing address located in Brazil.

Step 2: Transfer apps to your new account

Make sure the following conditions are satisfied, then contact our support team to transfer your existing apps, app data, and payment history to your new account:

  • Your new Google Play developer account has been created using a different email address than your original account.
  • The $25 developer registration fee has been paid successfully.
  • You've signed in to your new developer account.
  • You've signed up for a new payments profile using the email address used for your new developer account.

To request a transfer, review the information and submit your transfer request below:

Request a transfer

Once your apps are transferred, our support team will cancel your original account and refund the registration fee. After the refund is processed for your original account, you won’t be able to sign in to the Play Console using your original developer account.

Note: Merchant balances can’t be transferred to a new account. Any outstanding balance in the USD denominated account will be settled in the usual disbursement cycle. You will continue to have access to other Google services, including financial reports for your original Google Play developer account.

Step 3: Check and set prices for your apps on your new developer account

Here's how to check and set prices for your apps on your new developer account.

  1. Using your new account, sign into your Play Console.
  2. Select an app.
  3. On the left menu, click Store presence > Pricing & distribution.
  4. Set prices in BRL for Brazilian customers.
  5. Save your changes.

Frequently asked questions

I'm a Brazilian developer. Why do I need to migrate my original account?

You need to migrate your original account because Brazilian Play Console developer accounts using US Dollars (USD) will no longer be supported.

Developers with BRL-denominated accounts receive earnings disbursements in BRL. BRL-denominated accounts still have the ability to set local pricing in other countries.

What if I am not based in Brazil?

Only Brazil-based Play Console developer accounts are eligible to use BRL.

If I only have free apps, do I need to migrate?

If you only have free apps (without in-app purchases), you don't need to migrate. Your free apps will remain available.

When I migrate my account, when will I be refunded for my developer registration fee?

Once your migration has completed successfully and you’ve received a confirmation email, we will process a refund to your credit card for your account registration fee.

After the refund is processed, it may take a few business days for your card to show the credit to your account.

What happens to money I’ve earned after I migrate to a new Merchant account?

If you migrate to a new account, you will receive the money in your existing account in the next monthly disbursement cycle along with any future payouts earned on your new account.

For example, if you receive payouts at the beginning of each month, you’ll receive the final disbursement for that account at the beginning of November.

After migrating, will I lose any information about my apps?

After you migrate your apps to a new account, your ratings, reviews, downloads, payment history, and other app information will be migrated as well. You won’t lose any existing information from your developer account.

Contact support

If you have other questions, contact our support team.

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