Important: Google Wallet for kids is currently only available in the US, UK, Australia, Spain, and Poland.
Get your child started with Wallet
To use Google Wallet for kids, your child must have:
- A supervised Google Account managed by a parent using Family Link. Learn more about supervised accounts.
- A supported device with NFC capabilities.
Tip: For an easier setup, it's recommended to have the Google Wallet app installed on your child’s phone first before you add a payment method.
To manage your child's account, parents will use Family Link. To do so, you can download the app from the Google Play Store (for parents on Android or Chromebook) , App Store (for parents on iPhones or iPads), or go to
- When your child opens Google Wallet for the first time, you'll receive an email. Your child can continue to use the Google Wallet app on their own, but can’t add payment cards on their own.
- Your child’s account will be a supervised account. Only the family manager or someone with parent permissions in your family group on Family Link can manage your child’s Google Wallet. Learn more about managing a family group.
- Spending controls for your child’s payment cards added to Wallet aren't available in Family Link or Google Wallet. Payment card spending controls may be available through your card issuer. Contact the card issuer to confirm.
- When your child turns 13 (or the applicable age in your country), they'll have the option to manage their own account. You and your child will receive a series of email reminders before this occurs, so you’ll know what to expect. Learn more about what happens when your child turns age of consent.
Add a payment card to your child’s Wallet
- Adding a payment card to your child’s Wallet requires approval and assistance from the family manager or someone with parent permissions in your family group on Family Link. Learn more about managing a family group.
- To add a new card to your child’s Wallet, a parent must be physically present to complete the setup on their child’s device. A parent will be required to sign into their own Google Account and provide parental consent to add a card.
- Parents may only add a card for which their child is the cardholder or an authorized user. Only cards that are supported by Google Wallet can be added. Learn more about supported payment methods.
- When you save a card to your child's Google Wallet, it's also saved to their Google Account. Cards saved to your child’s supervised Google Account can't be used for payments online, in-app, or across Google. This also includes Play and YouTube, unless and until your child turns off supervision.
- When you remove a card from your child’s Wallet, it may be removed from their Google Account. Learn more about how to remove a payment card from your child’s Wallet.
- You'll receive an email notification when a new card is added to or removed from your child’s Wallet.
- Spending controls for your child’s payment cards aren't available in Family Link or Google Wallet. Payment card spending controls may be available through your card issuer. Contact the card issuer to confirm whether they offer spending controls.
Add a pass to your child’s Wallet
- Your child can add and use certain passes with Google Wallet without your assistance. Parents can't remove passes from their child’s Wallet. If you don’t want your child to use passes with Google Wallet, you can block their access to Wallet passes features from Family Link. Learn how to block all passes.
- Unlike payment cards, parents won't be notified when their child adds or uses a pass to their Google Wallet.
- To find your child's passes, you can go through the Google Wallet app on your child's device. Your child’s passes aren't visible in Family Link.
The following passes are supported for your child:
- Loyalty card
- Gift card
- Boarding passes
- Event tickets
The following passes are currently not supported for your child:
- Local transit cards
- Digital car key
- Hotel keys
- Student ID
- Drivers license
- ID pass
- Insurance and vaccine cards
Remove a payment card from your child’s Wallet
- When a payment card is removed from your child’s Wallet, the child can no longer tap to pay on their device with that card, and both parents and the child will receive email notifications.
- If your child removes the screen lock function on their phone, their payment cards will be automatically removed from that device and will need to be added again with a parent's assistance. Learn more about screen lock for tap to pay for your kids.
If you remove a payment card from your child’s Wallet, keep in mind that:
- If a parent removes the child’s card on Family Link, the card will be removed from all the child’s devices and their Google Account.
- If your child has a payment card added to only one device and removes it, the card will be removed from that device and their Google Account.
- If your child has a payment card added to multiple devices and removes it, the card will only be removed from that specific device. It won't be removed from any other devices or from their Google Account.
Tip: When your child’s card is removed from a device, only the tap to pay transaction history from that device will be removed. If your child has the same card on a different device, tap to pay transactions from the second device will still appear in Family Link.
Block all passes
When this setting is turned on, your child won’t be able to add new or use existing passes in their Google Wallet across any of their devices until they manage their account on their own.
Important: This setting is turned off by default. If you turn on this setting to block all passes, your child will receive an email notification.
To block all passes for your child:
- Open Family Link.
- Select your child.
- Tap Controls
- Tap your child’s wallet.
- Tip: If your child doesn't have a card added yet, at the bottom of the screen, tap Block all passes
- Tip: If your child doesn't have a card added yet, at the bottom of the screen, tap Block all passes
- Turn on Block all passes.
Tip: To give your child access to passes back, you can keep this setting off.
Review transactions
- You and your child can both review their recent tap to pay transactions in Family Link and Google Wallet.
- Not all transactions may appear in Google Wallet. For a full history of your child’s transactions and details, open your card issuer’s app.
- You'll receive an email when your child makes a transaction.
- When you remove a payment card from your child’s Wallet, transaction history may be removed from their device or Google Account. Learn more about how to remove a payment card from your child’s Wallet.
Manage your child’s Wallet settings
Important: Your child can manage certain settings themselves in their Google Wallet app. Some data and privacy settings don’t apply to your child and are only available when they start to manage their own account. Learn more about what happens when your child turns age of consent.
Your child can manage select Wallet settings, such as their app notifications.
Tip: Parent notifications aren't affected by this setting.