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Install and update apps on Google Pixel Watch

Enhance your on-the-go experience with apps on Google Pixel Watch. Your Pixel Watch comes with apps like Fitbit, Google Assistant, and messaging for calls and texts right out of the box. More apps can be downloaded when you update to Wear OS 4.

Google Apps available for Pixel Watch include:

Find and install apps on Pixel Watch

Press the side button next to the crown of your Pixel Watch to find apps and features available on the LTE and Wi-Fi versions of Pixel Watch. Apps and features vary by device and region.

Install Google Play Store apps on Google Pixel Watch

  1. On Google Pixel Watch, press the crown.
  2. Tap Play Store Google Play.
  3. Pick a category or tap Search Search.
  4. Select the app you want and tap Install.

Keep Pixel Watch software and apps updated

Make sure to update the system software and apps on both your watch and phone. Keeping everything up to date can help resolve pairing issues and app errors.

What to expect during app updates

Updates will typically complete in under an hour. When installation begins, the Pixel Watch screen will show that it's preparing for an update, before restarting and installing it. Pixel Watch can't be used during this period.

For the best update experience, Pixel Watch should be:

  • On its charger
  • Charged to at least 50%
  • Connected to Wi-Fi

If the battery is at less than 50%, Pixel Watch will periodically check its battery status and begin installing automatically when the battery reaches over 50% charge.

If updates take longer than an hour, follow these troubleshooting steps.

How to find your Pixel Watch software version

Find the software version that's currently running on your Pixel Watch and check if it's out of date. From Settings you'll also find the model number, serial number, and more watch details.

  1. On Google Pixel Watch, swipe down and then tap Settings .
  2. Tap System and then About.
  3. Tap Versions to view version details.

How to update your phone

Keep your phone updated so that your Pixel Watch can pair with your phone. Check and update your Android version.

How to update your Pixel Watch

  1. On Google Pixel Watch, swipe down and then tap Settings .
  2. Tap System and then System updates. Pixel Watch will check for available updates. During this period, you can’t use your watch.
  3. When the installation is complete, Pixel Watch will reboot. To check the current build number and Android security update level, go to Settings and then System and then About and then Versions and then Build number.

How to update the Pixel Watch app on your phone

To keep your phone and watch synced and continue to use the latest features, update the Pixel Watch app on your phone.

  1. On your phone, open Google Play Store Google Play.
  2. At the top right, tap the profile icon.
  3. Tap Manage apps & device and then Updates available. If the Pixel Watch has new updates, it will appear here.
  4. Next to "Google Pixel Watch," tap Update.

To update the Google Play Store and Pixel Watch app automatically, visit How to update the Play Store & apps on Android.

How to update the apps on your Google Pixel Watch

To use certain apps on your watch, you'll need to allow necessary permissions both on your phone and watch. Your watch must be connected to the internet for app data to update.
Note: Some apps on Pixel Watch don't support Work Profile or non-Google accounts.

Sync your Google account to your watch

  1. On your phone, open the Pixel Watch app Google Pixel Watch.
  2. Tap Settings and then Google and then Accounts.
  3. Select Add Account .
  4. Sign into your account.
  5. Follow the on screen instructions to add your account.

Update your watch apps

  1. On Pixel Watch, press the crown.
  2. Tap Play Store Google Play and then Manage apps and then Update All.

Fix a Pixel Watch that won't update

If your Pixel Watch isn't updating, try this fix:

  1. On Pixel Watch, press and hold both the crown and side button for 20 seconds.
  2. Wait for Pixel Watch to fully reboot.
  3. Go to Settings and then Connectivity and then Bluetooth and then Turn off Bluetooth.
  4. Go to Settings and then Connectivity and then Wi-Fi and then Turn on Wi-Fi.
  5. Go to Settings and then System and then System updates.

To manually check for pending updates, go to Settings and then System and then System updates.

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