Jun 20, 2024

Unacceptable Business Practices Suspension

Hi everyone, just got my account suspended for unacceptable business practices yesterday. I explain my situation. I had 2 GAds accounts:

A- G-Ads account A which was suspended yesterday and I used it to advertise two webs: https://www.servicio-tecnico-oficial-autorizado.com/barcelona/sb/fujitsu (I put this landing page as an example) and domustec.net . This account has completed advertiser verification successfully about a year ago.

I believe that https://www.servicio-tecnico-oficial-autorizado.com is more likely to be the cause of the problem as it kinds of pretends to be the technical service of specific HVAC brands (although in a small disclaimer in footer it was specifying the company is not the official technical service), is not using the real business logo of the company nor the real business name, etc (header with the name of the business was only added after suspension). All campaigns redirected to specific landing pages, one for each HVAC brand (one for Mitsubishi, one for Fujitsu, and so on). Furthermore it also uses "official" in the URL. This website spent about 95% of account budget. Campaigns redirecting to this web only keywords with HVAC brand names in it (eg: "servicio tecnico Fujitsu").

domustec.net was also advertised on this same (blocked) account, but the web displays clearly the actual company name, actual company logo, it has a proper navigation menu, and so on (this web only accounted for 5% account spent approx). Campaigns redirecting to this web only used generic keywords for this website, which means that we were not using any HVAC brand names in the keywords (Eg of keywords we used: "air conditioning technical service").

B- G- Ads account B was not suspended. It was used a year ago to promote only domustec.net website and only spent a few hundreds and after that all campaigns were paused.

Now I have account A (our main account) blocked and account B not blocked. I was told by an agency and Google Partner that my account was likely suspended because I advertised the same website via two different GAds accounts, however if that was the case would the account not be suspended because of "double serving" or similar policy instead of unacceptable business practices?

My question now is, provided that I will not advertise the "fraudulent" website ever again, can I use account B (not blocked) to only advertise Domustec.net which is the "ethical" website (complying with all G-Ads policies)? If so can I use the same CC details and invoicing details of the blocked G-Ads account? Or can I never ever advertise any website on any G Ads account any more? 

And also, if the company builds a new and ethically correct website (so making sure it complies with all the correct things according to Google Policies), but with a domain such as "serviciotecnico-rapid.com" or similar (so not using the word "official" in the domain any more, but also not using the actual company name "Domustec" in it), can I promote it via GAds on the same account B? or different account? or better not to promote it at all or it will be suspended too?

Any advise is welcome! thanks
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All Replies
Jun 20, 2024
This type of suspension is for good and cannot be reversed regardless of the circumstances;
It seems that there have been too many violations and Google no longer wants the business;
Jun 20, 2024
>>"s I mentioned earlier, the other account (account ) which is also owned by the same business and with the same bulling address, has not been blocked
This is one of the violations (among several): Only ONE account is allowed;

>>"Provided that I will not advertise the "fraudulent" website ever again,
It does not work this way: Once you are found in violation of a severe policy section - you are suspended for good, with no option to recover;
And is the scenrio  here;

Jun 20, 2024
Ok understood. Thanks
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