Conflicting targets and exclusions

Google Ads Editor 1.8 supports the latest updates to audience targeting. Previous versions of Google Ads Editor will not support the new targeting methods. To avoid errors when downloading, viewing, and assigning your audiences, it's recommended to upgrade to Google Ads Editor 1.8.

Google Ads Editor automatically checks for the following conflicts in targets and exclusions (labeled "positives" and "negatives" in the Google Ads Editor interface).

An ad group cannot target and exclude the same criterion. For example, the following situations would result in errors:

  • a keyword that's the same as a negative keyword in the same ad group.
  • a gender exclusion that's the same as a gender target in the same ad group.
  • a location target that's the same as a location exclusion in the same campaign.

An ad group or campaign cannot have duplicate targets or exclusions. For example, the following situations would result in errors:

  • two or more identical age range targets in the same ad group.
  • two or more identical audience exclusions in the same campaign.
  • two or more keywords with the same text and match type in the same ad group.

If Google Ads Editor detects such issues, you'll see a warning message so that you can fix the conflicts before you post changes to Google Ads.

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