আপনি যে পৃষ্ঠাটির জন্য অনুরোধ করেছেন সেটি বর্তমানে আপনার ভাষায় উপলভ্য নয়। আপনি পৃষ্ঠার নিচে অন্য কোনও ভাষা বেছে নিতে পারেন বা Google Chrome-এর বিল্ট-ইন অনুবাদ ফিচার ব্যবহার করে আপনার পছন্দের ভাষায় যেকোনও ওয়েবপৃষ্ঠা অবিলম্বে অনুবাদ করতে পারেন।

About store sales partners

Store sales partners are a select number of companies that can help you import your offline transaction data directly into Google Ads. This article contains information about the benefits of working with store sales partners, store sales partner program availability, how to work with them, and more.

In this article


Working with a store sales partner provides you with several benefits:

  • Supported uploads: Store sales partners are directly integrated with our Google Ads API to automate the data upload process and ensure consistent and reliable data uploads.
  • Technical support: All store sales partners can troubleshoot technical issues, allowing you to focus on your core business.
  • Data hygiene and formatting: Store sales partners can help format your data to ensure correct and frictionless uploads. For example, store sales partners can review columns in your store sales data file to help troubleshoot common errors.
  • Enhanced match rates: Some partners have robust customer information graphs which may increase match rates.

Store sales partner program availability

This list of carefully selected store sales partners aims to help you achieve your goals. These partners will assist you with data uploads and technical-related matters allowing you to focus on your business. Store sales partners boast a wide array of capabilities, such as data management, custom integrations, data hygiene, data formatting, and more.

List of partners

  • EDM (EEA + TR, IL)
  • Experian (AU, GB, FR, DE, ES, IT)
  • LeadsBridge (US, CA, EEA)
  • LiveRamp (US, CA, GB, FR, DE)
  • Napp (LATAM only)
  • Urban Science (US only - Automotive OEMs and regional dealer groups)

Instructions for working with a store sales partner

To work with a store sales partner, follow the steps below. If you need more help, reach out to your Google Ads sales representative.

  1. Confirm your eligibility for store sales for retailers, restaurants, automotive OEMs/regional dealer groups.
  2. Set up your Google Ads account to use store sales measurement.
  3. Sign a statement of work directly with a store sales partner to be able to use their services.
  4. Grant your OAuth token to the partner so that they can verify which Google Ads accounts to upload data to and establish upload permissions via Customer Link.


  • The user who generates the token must be an admin user for the Google Ads account that owns the conversion action where uploads will be submitted. Partners require an access token to upload conversions into a CID or MCC on behalf of a given user.
  • Customer Link allows you to easily link your Google Ads accounts with eligible third-party partners that'll allow the partner to upload data on your behalf.

Account Linking: Link store sales partners to your Google Ads account

Certain Google-integrated third parties can use a partner API to upload data directly into your Google Ads account using your first-party customer data. These types of third-party data platforms include data onboarders, customer relationship management (CRM) services, customer data platforms (CDP), and agencies.

Before you begin

Ensure that the partner you want to send data to is one of the following Google-integrated partners mentioned above.

Store sales are not available for all advertisers. Learn more About store sales measurement.

There are 2 ways to link your Google Ads account so that a partner can upload on your behalf, via the partner’s API workflow or the UI.

If you’re setting up a partner link for the first time, go through the API workflow on your partner’s website, since that route allows you to link multiple accounts at the same time.

The section below describes how to link or unlink a data platform in the UI.

After you’ve linked a Google-integrated partner to your Google Ads account, you’ll be able to send your customer data to your account for store sales


An animation demonstrating how to create a data integration with a mapping partner on Google Ads.

How to link a store sales partner to your Google Ads account

Reach out to the partner you are working with for store sales uploads in order for them to help guide you through the linking process on their end as some partners can help with bulk linking or addressing questions you may have. Otherwise, to link to a partner via the Google Ads UI, go through the following steps:

Note: You must be an admin user for the Google Ads account that owns the conversion action where uploads will be submitted.
  1. In your Google Ads account, click the Admin icon Admin Icon.
  2. Click Linked accounts.
  3. Under “Other popular products”, find the partner name and click Details to open the window.
  4. Click Link. The next window provides additional information on the data platform link.
  5. Click Authorize, then click Create data integration.
    • You are now linked to a store sales partner.

The partner is then added to the list: “Your linked accounts products”. If you click Manage & link, you’ll be taken to a page where you can either unlink the data platform, or log into your data platform account and set up your customer lists. To leave this page, click the Red X icon icon next to the data platform name at the top left corner of your account.

How to unlink a store sales partner from your Google Ads account

  1. In your Google Ads account, click the Admin icon Admin Icon.
  2. Click Linked accounts.
  3. Under “Your linked accounts and products”, find the partner name and click Details.
  4. Click Unlink in the “Action” column.

After unlinking your Google Ads account from a partner, this partner will no longer be able to upload on your behalf.


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