Check your ad group status

The "Status" column of your Ad groups lets you know if your ad group is active. Based on your ad group's status, you can find out:

  • Which of your ad groups are paused, enabled, or other states
  • What changes you need to make to an ad group or its campaign
  • Whether or not an ad group has been approved based on Google Ads policies


How to check your ad group's status

  1. In your Google Ads account, click the Campaigns icon Campaigns Icon.
  2. Click the Campaigns drop down in the section menu.
  3. Click Ad groups.
  4. Look at the "Status" column to see an ad group’s status.
  5. You can click the “Status” column heading to reorder your ad groups and sort by status.
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What your ad group status means

Ad group status What it means
Eligible This ad group’s set to run. It’s a good idea to check the Ads tab to see if policy violations are keeping individual ads from running.
Paused You’ve temporarily stopped this ad group from showing ads. Its ads aren’t running. You can resume the paused ad group to start ads again.
Removed You’ve removed this ad group. Its ads aren’t running. 
Incomplete You haven’t set up necessary parts of this ad group (like keywords or ads). Its ads aren’t running.
Not Eligible
  • Campaign paused: you've paused this ad group’s campaign. Its ads aren’t running. You can resume the paused campaign to start ads again.
  • Campaign removed: you’ve removed this ad group’s campaign. Its ads aren’t running. You can resume the removed campaign to start ads again.
  • Campaign suspended: the ad group isn't running because your prepaid account balance has run out. Your campaign and the ad groups within it will resume after you add funds.
  • Campaign ended: this ad group’s in a campaign that’s passed its end date. Its ads aren’t running.
  • Campaign pending: you’ve scheduled this ad group’s campaign to start later. Its ads aren’t running yet.
  • There are no creatives in this Ad Group or all creatives are paused. 
  • There are no keywords in this Ad Group or all creatives are paused.

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