In this article
- What is an optimization score?
- How does Google Ads calculate optimization score?
- Personalize your optimization score
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What is an optimization score?
Optimization score is an estimate of how well your Google Ads account is set to perform. Scores run from 0-100%, with 100% meaning that your account can perform at its full potential.
Along with the score, you’ll see a list of recommendations that can help you optimize each campaign. Each recommendation shows how much your optimization score will be impacted (in percentages) when you apply that recommendation.
Note: Optimization score is available at the Campaign, Account, and Manager Account levels. Optimization score is shown for active Search, Display, Video Action, App, Performance Max, Demand Gen, and Shopping campaigns only.
Quick start
Check your optimization score to evaluate recommendations.
How does Google Ads calculate optimization score?
Optimization score is calculated in real-time, based on the statistics, settings, and the status of your account and campaigns, the relevant impact of available recommendations, and recent recommendations history. Applying or dismissing these recommendations changes the overall optimization score of your account.
Optimization score and available recommendations can change based on many factors, ranging from your settings to trends in the ads ecosystem. You may see a different score and a new set of recommendations when these changes happen.
Details about your optimization score
At the top of the page, you’ll see a few details about your optimization score:
1. The focus of your optimization score, which can be conversions, impression share, clicks, etc.
2. The basis of your focus: either a bid strategy you set or a recommendation from Google Ads.
3. Status icons, illustrated below:
Green checkmark Google Ads understands your bid strategy, and has focused on a goal based on that bid strategy. |
Yellow question mark Google Ads does not understand your bid strategy and your focus is based on recommendation. |
Red minus Your optimization score has defaulted to a conversion focus, which can be remedied by setting a new bid strategy. |
Optimization score focus
Optimization score and recommendations are focused on your business objectives, such as maximizing conversions or conversion value. Recommendations are tailored to your unique campaign data and Google’s forecast models, and a recommendation will only exist for a particular account or campaign if it drives towards that business objective.
Optimization score is able to determine your campaign’s goal through your bid strategy. If your campaign is in the optimal fully-automated Smart Bidding strategy, your goal is openly expressed. If your campaign is not in such a strategy, your campaign goal is derived from the recommended Smart Bidding strategy, which is based on your account and campaign data.
Example 1
If your campaign bid strategy is Target ROAS, optimization score is geared towards driving more conversion value at a similar ROAS, like expanding targeting and ensuring the budget isn’t constraining additional high value conversions.
Example 2
If your campaign is using Maximize Clicks and is reporting conversions, you may see a recommendation to adopt a performance-focused Smart Bidding strategy like target CPA to help you drive more conversions.
Personalize your optimization score
You can control your performance objective through choosing max conversions, max conversion value, target CPA, target ROAS, or target IS. In other words, you can override the system's inferred strategy. You can adjust which conversions are used for optimization to match your business goals with the "Include in 'Conversions'" setting.