- Assets can be shown in any order, so make sure they make sense individually or in combinations, and don't violate our policies or local law.
- It’s recommended to have one responsive search ad per ad group with at least 'Good' or 'Excellent' Ad Strength. There’s a limit of 3 enabled responsive search ads per ad group.
- If you have text that should appear in every ad, you must pin the text to either Headline position 1, Headline position 2, or Description position 1.
- Check out the Search Automation technical guide to learn more about the signals Google uses, how queries match to keywords, how Google's AI makes keyword matching more effective, and what you can do to improve performance.
- Learn more about Creating effective Search ads.
For subtitles in your language, turn on YouTube captions. Select the settings icon at the bottom of the video player, then select "Subtitles/CC" and choose your language.
Responsive search ads help you:
- Create flexible ads that adapt to device widths, giving you more room to share your message with potential customers.
- Save time by providing multiple headline and description options, allowing Google Ads to show the most relevant combinations to your customers.
- Tailor your headlines and descriptions to your customers’ locations, regular locations, or locations of interest.
- Reach more potential customers with multiple headline and description options that give your ads the opportunity to compete in more auctions and match more queries.
- Increase ad group performance by attracting more clicks and conversions that your existing text ads aren’t capturing because responsive search ads help you compete in more auctions.
How it works
The more headlines and descriptions you enter, the more opportunities Google Ads has to serve ads that more closely match your potential customers’ search queries, which can improve your ad performance.
After you enter headlines and descriptions, Google Ads assembles the text into multiple ad combinations in a way that avoids redundancy. Unlike expanded text ads, you can provide up to 15 headlines and 4 descriptions for a single responsive search ad.
Next, in any given ad, a minimum of one headline and one description will be selected to show in different combinations and orders. Part of your ad text may automatically appear in bold when it matches or closely matches a user's search query. Over time, Google Ads will test the most promising ad combinations, and learn which combinations are the most relevant for different queries.
To help your ads show in their entirety when possible, responsive search ads have character limits. The headline fields for responsive search ads support up to 30 characters. The description fields support up to 90 characters each, and the path fields support up to 15 each. Every character in a double width language like Korean, Japanese, or Chinese counts as 2 characters. Learn more about Text ad requirements.
Enhanced Flexibility
While responsive search ads can show up to 3 headlines in the traditional headline position (for example, text that is positioned at the top of the ad, above the body text), they can also serve in other parts of the ad based on what is predicted to perform best for each person’s unique search query:
- Headline asset text may show at the beginning of the description when it’s predicted to perform best.
- Up to 2 responsive search ad headlines can serve as link-based assets within the ad. In such instances, the asset would point to the same domain as your ad's main landing page. To maintain relevance, this flexibility will only occur within the same ad group.
If you have assets that are pinned to headline position 1, headline position 2, or description position 1, they’ll continue to show in their designated positions when your ads serve. Learn how to Pin headlines and descriptions to specific positions. Google will optimize the placement of all other assets while ensuring they remain relevant to the user's search query.
Create a responsive search ad
- In your Google Ads account, click the
Campaigns icon.
- Click the Campaigns drop down in the section menu.
- Click Ads.
- Click the plus button
and select Responsive search ad.
- Enter the final URL and display path text. As you type, a preview of your ad will appear to the right.
- Note: The preview shows potential ads built using your assets. Not all combinations are shown, and some shortening may occur in some formats.
- Enter your headlines. You’ll need to enter a minimum of 3 headlines, but you can enter up to 15.
- Enter your descriptions. You’ll need to enter a minimum of 2 descriptions, but you can enter up to 4.
- Click Save.
Tips for entering your headlines
- Keep in mind that headlines and descriptions may appear in any order.
- Try writing the first 3 headlines as if they’ll appear together in your ad.
- Be sure to include at least one of your keywords in your headlines, and create headlines that are relevant to the keywords you’re targeting.
- Focus on providing as many unique headlines as you can. More headlines give Google Ads more options to assemble your messages into relevant ads, which may increase performance.
- Try highlighting additional product or service benefits, a problem you’re solving, or shipping and returns information. Learn more about Creating effective Search ads.
- You can provide even more headlines by creating variations of the headlines you’ve already entered. For example, try a different call to action.
Optimize your campaign as you create it
As you create your campaign, you may receive notifications based on your setting selections. These notifications may alert you of issues that can result in decreased performance or that may be significant enough to prevent you from publishing your campaign.
The campaign construction navigation menu that appears as you construct your campaign provides a holistic view of your construction progress and will call attention to notifications that you may want to address. Move between steps in the navigation menu to easily review and resolve potential issues with your targeting, bidding, budget, or other campaign settings. Learn how to Set up your campaign for success.
Edit a responsive search ad
- In your Google Ads account, click the
Campaigns icon.
- Click the Campaigns drop down in the section menu.
- Click Ads.
- Click on the bar above the table of results to add a filter.
- In the drop-down menu that appears, click Attributes, then Ad type.
- Check the box next to “Responsive search ad”.
- In the table of results, hover over the ad you wish to edit, then click the edit icon
- Select Edit.
- Make your desired changes to the ad’s URL, final URL, headlines, descriptions, or URL options.
- Click Save.
- Note: Removing or editing any headlines or descriptions can change the ads that are serving and may impact your performance.
Will all of the text in my responsive search ad appear when my ad is served?
Usually when your ad is served, all of the ad text that you’ve entered in the Headline 1 and Description 1 fields will appear along with it. The second headline, third headline, and second description fields may appear based on what’s predicted to perform best, or when there’s enough space. The second headline, third headline, and second description fields aren’t guaranteed to appear in your ads. In some instances, Google Ads may need to shorten your text, usually with an ellipsis (“...”). For example, if you use call assets, the “Call” button may take the place of portions of your ad text.
- If your ad text frequently uses wider characters, like “m”, instead of narrower characters, like “i”, your headline text may be wider than the space available on some browser sizes. With most Latin languages, you can pin Headline 1 and Headline 2 and limit your combined headline character count to 33 to avoid changes in the way your text is displayed.
- If your responsive search ads show on the Google Display Network, Headline 2 may not show in some ad formats.
- If you have text that should appear in every ad, such as a legal disclaimer, then you must include that information in either Headline 1 or Description 1.
As a reminder, if you have assets that are pinned to the headline position 1, headline position 2, or description position 1, they'll continue to show in their designated positions when your ads serve.
Pin headlines and descriptions to specific positions
By default, when you create a responsive search ad, headlines and descriptions can appear in any order. You can control where individual headlines and descriptions appear in your ad by pinning headlines and descriptions to specific positions.
For example, if you need to show a disclaimer in every ad, you can write the disclaimer as a responsive search ad description, and pin it to Description position 1. This ensures that all ads shown to customers will include the disclaimer in the first part of the description.
- Create or edit a responsive search ad (refer to the steps above).
- To the right of any headline or description you wish to pin, click the pin icon
, then choose the position you’d like to pin that headline or description to.
- To pin any headline or description that’s unpinned, click the pin icon
, then select the position you’d like to show the headline or description in.
- Click Save.
- Note: Removing or editing any headlines or descriptions can change the ads that are serving and may impact your performance.
- Pinning one headline or description causes it to show only in that specific position, preventing other headlines or descriptions from showing in its place. Because pinning reduces the overall number of headlines or descriptions that can be matched to a potential customer's search, pinning isn't recommended for most advertisers and can affect ad strength.
- Try pinning 2 or 3 headlines or descriptions to each position so that any of them can show in that position. This gives you more flexibility to find out which headlines or descriptions perform better.
- Example: If you pin the headline “Official Website” to Headline position 1, all ads will have “Official Website” as the first headline. However, if you pin a second headline, such as, “The Official Site," to Headline position 1, all ads will show either “Official Website” or “The Official Site” as the first headline.
- If you have headlines and/or descriptions pinned to all available positions, unpinned headlines and/or descriptions won’t show.
- Headlines or descriptions pinned to Headline position 1, Headline position 2, or Description position 1 will always show. Content pinned to Headline position 3 and Description position 2 are not guaranteed to show in every ad. If you have text that should appear in every ad, then you must pin it to either Headline position 1, Headline position 2, or Description position 1.
Report on the performance of your responsive search ads
On the "Ads" page you can find the same performance metrics for each responsive search ad that are listed for your other text ads. The stats table shows the totals for all of the ad combinations that were created using the headlines and descriptions you entered for each responsive search ad.
- In your Google Ads account, click the
Campaigns icon.
- Click the Campaigns drop down in the section menu.
- Click Ads.
- In the drop-down menu that appears, click Attributes, then Ad type.
- Check the box next to “Responsive search ad”.
- Optional: To adjust the columns and data that appear in your report, click the columns icon
and select Modify columns. Choose the columns that you’d like to appear in your report. Learn more About columns in your statistics table.
- Optional: To adjust the columns and data that appear in your report, click the columns icon
- Click Apply.
- Click the download icon
- Select the format of the report (for example, .csv, .pdf).
- Optional: You can choose to open your report in the Report Editor, schedule the report, or have it emailed to you. Learn how to Create, save, and schedule reports from your statistics tables.
You can also view the reporting for individual assets and the combination of assets.