About promotion assets

Promotion assets can add more value to your Search Network text ads by highlighting your sales and promotions for people that are searching for the best deals that your business has to offer. This article explains the benefits of promotion assets and how they show with your search ads.

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Here are a few reasons to consider adding promotion assets to your ads:

  • Update easily: Select from a list of pre-populated occasions. You don't need to make new text ads to keep them up to date for sales and special offers that occur at different times.
  • Edit your asset without losing data: Edit your promotion asset without resetting its performance statistics.
  • Flexible scheduling: Choose to show your promotion assets within the date of the occasion or specify dates, days of week or times of day when your promotion assets are eligible to show.

How they show

Promotion assets show below your ad in an easy-to-read format that catches the eye of your potential customers.

The special occasion that you select, for example, 'Back to school' or 'Mother’s Day', appears as a bold label next to your promotional text in Search Ads.

The asset also displays up to two lines of text that includes details of your promotion. Potential customers can easily spot the sale in your promotion assets as they stand out from the main ad text. When someone clicks or taps on the asset, they go directly to the special offer that interests them on your site.

Promotion assets can show your offers in various formats – mobile and desktop – on the Search Network. They appear in ads at the top and bottom of Google search results. If you’ve added Promotion Assets to a Performance Max for shop goals campaign, you may also see your promotions in Maps on mobile devices. Additionally, they're available in all languages.

When to use

Use promotion assets to attract customers that are searching for special offers and sales relevant to your business. Holidays or special events such as Back-to-school sales and Black Friday are great times to use promotion assets.

Use promotion assets to include monetary or per cent discounts for your products or services. You can also include any requirements needed for your promotion such as coupon or discount codes for a specified time period or a spending limit.

Note: Promotion assets that are occasion specific must be created or edited within six months of their start date to be eligible to serve.

Showcase local promotions via promotion assets

You can use local promotions via promotion assets to highlight your discounts and offers to encourage customers to visit your physical shop. While in Maps, users can view, save and share a local promotion with friends and family for redemption in-store and/or online.

Learn more about how to use local promotions via promotion assets when you Create a Performance Max campaign with a shop goal.

Note: QR code and barcode promotions don't serve on Search. They only serve on Maps.

Account levels

You can add promotion assets at the account, campaign or ad group level. If you create promotion assets at different levels (account, campaign or ad group), the most specific will be used. So when you add promotion assets to an ad group, those assets show instead of your campaign- or account-level promotion assets. Likewise, campaign-level assets override account-level assets.

Cost of clicks

Promotion assets are free to add – you’re only charged for clicks from people viewing your ad. The cost of a click on a promotion asset equals the cost of a click on the headline in the same ad. In other words, you'll be charged the same amount no matter which link in the same ad someone clicks. Promotion assets offer more opportunities for your customers to click on and within your ad, but you won’t be charged for more than two clicks per ad impression. However, if someone quickly clicks on more than one link while viewing an ad, this gets treated as a second click and you won't get charged.

Occasions for your promotions

Determine which occasions and dates are available for promotion assets:

Occasions Start date End date
New Year's 1 Dec 28 Feb
Boxing Day 15 Dec 15 Jan
Epiphany 15 Dec 31 Jan
Chinese New Year 15 Jan 1 Mar
Valentine's Day 15 Jan 28 Feb
Carnival 1 Feb 31 Mar
Holi 1 Feb 31 Mar
Women's Day 15 Feb 31 Mar
Passover 15 Feb 1 May
Easter 1 Mar 30 Apr
Parent's Day 15 Apr 1 Aug
Labor Day* 15 Apr 15 Sep
Rosh Hashanah 15 Aug 1 Nov
Diwali 1 Sep 1 Dec
Navratri 15 Sep 31 Oct
Halloween** 1 Oct 15 Nov
Singles' Day 15 Oct 30 Nov
Black Friday 15 Oct 15 Dec
Cyber Monday 15 Oct 15 Dec
Christmas 1 Nov 15 Jan
St. Nicholas Day 1 Nov 31 Dec
Hanukkah 15 Nov 31 Jan
Back to School Any Any
Mother's Day Any Any
Father's Day Any Any
Independence Day Any Any
National Day Any Any
End of Season Any Any
Winter Sale Any Any
Summer Sale Any Any
Autumn Sale Any Any
Spring Sale Any Any
Ramadan Any Any
Eid al-Fitr Any Any
Eid al-Adha Any Any

* Not available in Dutch, Norwegian, Hebrew and Japanese languages

** Not available in Malay, Polish and Hebrew languages

Available in Japanese

Occasion Start date End date
Year-end Gift 1 Nov 31 Dec

Available in Thai

Occasion Start date End date
Songkran 15 Mar 1 May


How to create promotion assets

  1. In your Google Ads account, click the Campaigns icon Campaigns icon.
  2. Click the Assets drop-down in the section menu.
  3. Click Assets.
  4. Click on the plus button Add and select Promotion asset.
  5. Choose to add the promotion asset to your account, campaign or ad group.
  6. Select the occasion for your promotion (optional). The name of the occasion appears in your ad asset. The dates for each occasion is when your asset may be eligible to show. To narrow this date range, use the Advanced options.
  7. Select the language and currency of your promotion.
  8. Choose to show a monetary or percentage discount as your Promotion type.
  9. Enter the name of the product or service you’re offering.
  10. Enter the Final URL that will show in your ad.
  11. Select the type of Offer and enter any requirements for your promotion such as a special code or spending limit.
  12. In Promotion dates (optional), enter the dates you would like to show on your ad.
Note: Promotion assets for occasions with the same ad group, campaign or account will be preferred over non-occasion promotion assets. Promotion assets that are occasion specific must be created or edited within six months of their start date to be eligible to serve.

Choose optional settings and save

  1. Expand Advanced options, to change the dates and times of when your promotion asset is eligible to show.
    • You can narrow the date range, but you can’t select dates outside of the occasion date range. Otherwise, deselect the occasion and enter the start date and end date for when you wish to run your promotion.
    • You can also use 'Days and hours' to choose more specific days and times for when your asset may be eligible to show.

Add terms and conditions to your local promotions via promotion assets (optional)
When you choose your promotion asset settings with a Performance Max for shop goals campaign, make sure that you:

  • Include key details of your promotion, such as an expiry date, how the promotion can be redeemed (in-store, online or both), and any additional conditions or restrictions.
  • Include a link to the full terms and conditions of the promotion, if available.
  • To ensure ad approval, editorial policies must be followed. Incorrect use of capitalisation, symbols and phone numbers may result in ad disapproval. Learn more about the Google Ads editorial policy.

Learn more about how to Create a Performance Max campaign with a shop goal.

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