Dynamic remarketing: Create a feed for your responsive ads

Some advertisers using standard dynamic ads will begin to notice suggested responsive ads set up in their dynamic campaigns. Until these ads are reviewed and enabled, they'll remain paused. Responsive ads have a streamlined setup process and may help improve the overall performance of dynamic remarketing campaigns.

Existing standard dynamic ads are read-only in the new Google Ads experience, but they'll still serve unless paused by advertisers.

To get started, create your feed offline as a .csv, .tsv, .xls, or xlsx file, then upload it to your account's "Business data" section. If you're a retail business, use the Google Merchant Center to upload your product feed.

For subtitles in your language, turn on YouTube captions. Select the settings icon Image of YouTube settings icon at the bottom of the video player, then select "Subtitles/CC" and choose your language.

With dynamic remarketing, you'll create a feed of all your products or services along with attributes like unique IDs, images, and prices. Using the details from your feed to create responsive ads, dynamic remarketing shows the most relevant information in these ads to people who previously visited your website.

Dynamic flight ad

There are different types of feeds for different business types. For example, an airline might create a flights feed. People who visited the airline's website might then notice ads tailored with information about the flights they searched for, viewed, or started to book.

In this article:

About feeds

For subtitles in your language, turn on YouTube captions. Select the settings icon Image of YouTube settings icon at the bottom of the video player, then select "Subtitles/CC" and choose your language.

When you create a feed, you're essentially creating a database of products or services that can be used in your responsive ads. Here are a couple of items that the airline (from the example above) might include in their flights feed:

Destination ID Flight description Final URL Flight price
SFO Book your flight http://example.com/flights_SFO 900.00 USD
BOS Book your flight http://example.com/flights_BOS 650.00 USD
  • Feeds can be created as a .csv, .tsv, .xls, or xlsx file and then uploaded to Google Ads.
  • Rows are products or services.
  • Columns are attributes of each item you've listed (such as unique IDs, prices, and descriptions) and should match the letters and spaces of their specs. IDs are important to include in your feed because they're used by your Google tag to connect people on your lists with products they viewed.
  • If you want to add a new column after you've uploaded your feed to Google Ads, you'll need to create a new feed.
  • For products or services that are available in different markets, create a feed for each language and currency.
  • "Business data" supports UTF-8, UTF-16 and UTF-32 (it's best to use UTF-8). The data transformation between these formats is lossless. "Business data" doesn't support UTF7, UTF1, UTF-EBCDIC, SCSU, BOCU, GB-18030, Latin 1, or ISO-8859-1.
  • There are limits to the number of feeds and feed items per account. Learn more About your Google Ads account limits.

Get feed templates and specs for your business type

There are different types of feeds for different types of businesses and you'll want to choose the type that represents your products or services. The type of feed you create should match the business type you selected when creating your dynamic remarketing campaign. Use the "Custom" feed only if the other business types don't apply to your products or services.

Note:The "Attribute" headers need to stay as they are in order to ensure feed templates are read properly. Non-English feeds also need to keep their "Attribute" headers in their original English values in order for the system to recognize them.

Create and upload a new feed

To get started, create your feed offline as a .csv, .tsv, .xls, or xlsx file, then upload it to your account's "Business data" section. If you're a retail business, use the Google Merchant Center to upload your product feed.

  1. In your Google Ads account, click the Tools icon Tools Icon.
  2. Click Business data.
  3. Click Data feeds on the top.
  4. Click the plus button , go to "Dynamic ad feed", and then select your business type.
  5. Click Select a file from your computer and attach your feed file.
  6. Click Apply.
Note: Check your feed for any errors after you've uploaded it. Image or address errors may not show up for 3–4 hours.

You can also use the Google Ads API (AdWords API) to get, add, update, or remove items in your feed.

Don't use capital letters in your feed because your ads will be disapproved. For example, "Our New Watch" is allowed, but "OUR NEW WATCH" wouldn't be allowed.

Your feed, tag, and campaign can't use or collect any personal or sensitive information about site or app visitors. Learn more about Google's policies on Personalized advertising.

New and updated items in your feed go through an approval process to make sure they're appropriate for users according to our advertising policies. Items in your feed won't be reviewed until your campaign and ads are enabled and won't be used in your ads until they're approved. Most feed items are reviewed within 3 business days.

Fix problems with your feed

When an item in your feed isn't available or up to specs, it won't be used in your ads. You may have errors right after you upload your feed. If not, make sure to check 3 to 4 hours after your feed has been processed.

To fix items in your feed, first check the specs for your business type (above). You can either directly edit items in your account's "Business data" section or edit items offline and then upload your feed again to "Business data".

Items showing "Pending review" status

Items can be in pending review after uploading your feed for the following reasons:

  • Campaign isn't active: To start the data feed policy review, your dynamic remarketing campaign must contain:
    • An active account with correct billing information
    • An active ad group
    • Enabled responsive ads
    • An active feed linked to the campaign
  • This is a new feed: It can take up to 4 business days (or longer depending on site traffic) for the policy review to be completed.
  • Items aren't receiving sufficient tag hits: Make sure that the tag is implemented correctly. Learn more About validations and alerts in Google tag.
    • Products with a high number of visits recorded by the Google tag are reviewed first, and products with low traffic may take longer to be reviewed.
    • Products that haven't ever been visited won't be reviewed.

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