Note: This article is intended for advertisers allowlisted to upload store sales data. Store sales counts, store sales values based on defaults, or Google's automated solutions can be available for eligible advertisers without uploads. Learn more
About store sales availability and eligibility.
Upload store sales data in Google Ads
After you select your upload method and prepare your store sales data, you can upload your data to Google Ads.
If you’re uploading store sales data in Google Ads, you can choose to make it a one-time upload (you upload every time you update your store sales data) or a scheduled upload (Google Ads checks for updates to your store sales data hosted at a specific location and uploads those changes).
Note: It’s recommended to schedule uploads on a daily or weekly basis so that you can keep your store sales reporting accurate.
One-time upload
- In your Google Ads account, click the Goals icon
- Click the Conversions dropdown in the section menu.
- Click Uploads.
- Click the plus button
- To download the template that fits with the type of conversions you’d like to import, click View templates. You can choose Excel, CSV, or Google Sheets to upload conversions from clicks, calls, or store sales.
- Click Close.
- Click the Select source drop-down and click to choose from the following options: Upload a file, Google Sheets, HTTPS, or SFTP.
- If you’re uploading a file, click Select a file from your computer to upload.
- If you’re using Google Sheets, click Link an existing Google Sheet to upload.
- If you’re using HTTPs or SFTP, enter the URL for the file, and the username and password to access the file.
- Click the checkbox next to “This upload contains store sales data collected and shared in compliance with applicable Google policies”, then confirm if you’re uploading Unhashed private customer data or Hashed data.
- Click the Upload and preview or the Upload and apply button.
- If you click Upload and preview, you’ll see a preview of the estimated changes in the "History" tab.
- To import the conversions into your account, click the Action dropdown menu and select Apply.
- If you click Upload and apply, the file will start processing after all the rows are uploaded.
- To see more details about the upload status (including any errors with the upload), click the links in the “Results” column.
Schedule an upload
- In your Google Ads account, click the Goals icon
- Click the Conversions dropdown in the section menu.
- Click Uploads.
- Click the Schedules tab.
- Click the plus button
- In the Select source dropdown, click to select the source of the file you want to upload: Google Sheets, HTTPS, or SFTP.
- If you’re using HTTPs or SFTP, enter the URL for the file, and the username and password to access the file.
- Set a schedule by selecting the "Frequency" and "Time" of day you'd like your uploads to occur. You can schedule weekly or daily uploads for any time of day.
- To upload your file now, click Upload and preview.
- Click Save. You'll be able to view your saved schedule in the table.
- (Optional) To edit, pause, or remove a schedule, go to the "Actions" column and click Options.
- After making any edits, click Save. If you want to remove a schedule, confirm that you'd like to remove it by clicking Remove.
Upload store sales data using the Google Ads API
To make an upload via API, you need to integrate your CRM system with the Google Ads API. To learn more, contact your Google account representative.
Upload store sales data using a store sales partner
If you're working with a store sales partner, the data uploads should be made directly by the partner in your Google Ads account. Contact your partner or your Google account representative to know more. Learn more About store sales partners.
Note: You can upload a maximum of 5 files manually using the Google Ads UI within a 2-hour time period, regardless of the file size. If you reach this limit of 5 files or want to add more, upload them after 2 hours.
Best practices
Below are some important call outs and best practices for uploads and reporting if you’re using store sales:
- Only upload in-store transaction data. Don’t include transactions from other channels, such as online sales, phone sales, or online purchases with in-store pick-up. Store sales is intended to measure sales that happen at physical stores.
- Upload transaction data regularly and consistently. Uploading data daily or weekly is recommended to ensure the system has up-to-date data. Keep in mind that Google Ads will only update store sales reporting values from 35 days before the upload date.
- Ensure that your uploads contain transactions that occurred within the last 30 days to receive dynamic conversion value reporting. Regularly providing transactions within the last 14 days is recommended, but transactions need to be within the last 30 days to receive dynamic value reporting. If there are no transactions within the last 30 days, the system will switch to provide reporting based on default value.
- Avoid uploading transactions that occurred more than 90 days before the upload date, as they won’t be processed.
- Avoid uploading the same transaction more than once. If 2 separate uploads contain transactions with the same user and timestamp, only the most recently uploaded transaction will be reported.
- If you need to re-upload existing transaction data, ensure that any previous uploads for the transactions have already been processed. You can check the status of the upload processing in Google Ads or the API, depending on where you uploaded your data.