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About conversion webpages reporting

The webpages report attempts to report the URL where a conversion action took place when possible. Each conversion action has its own webpages report. There are some technical limitations that can prevent the webpages report from reporting the correct URL or reporting a URL at all.

How it works

You can view your webpages report by clicking your conversion action and selecting the webpages report.

When your conversions are reported Google tries to report the URL where the conversion took place by using the javascript location object and the location.pathname (available for javascript).

If that information isn’t available or there are certain limitations, you may find “Unknown” or “Webpage unknown” in your conversion tracking reporting.

You can check the conversion tracking status troubleshooter if you need help diagnosing your conversion tracking status.

Webpage unknown

There are several reasons why “webpage unknown” may appear in your webpages report:

  • Conversions may occur on iOS devices without an associated webpage.
  • Google-modeled conversions may not have an associated webpage.
  • Conversions recorded through enhanced conversions may not have an associated webpage.
  • Conversions reported through third-party integrations like Shopify or WordPress may not consistently record the webpage URL.
  • The pixel-only implementation of the tag may be used.
  • Iframes involved in the click-to-conversion journey can cause issues:
    • A website visitor visits page A with an iframe for page B.
    • The visitor clicks a link on page B leading to page C within an iframe on page A.
    • Page C may have a conversion pixel.
    • In the scenario above, the system tries to guess the top level page A by looking at the referrer for C, but the in-frame navigation breaks this process.

Some of these causes may not be possible to address. However, you can switch to a non-pixel-only method by following the instructions to add a conversion tracking tag to your website.

Situations that limit conversion webpages reporting

Using query parameters

If your conversion URL is using query parameters, it might affect traffic tracking. For example, if your conversion URL is www.example.com/conversion-page?id=123 (where “123” is a number assigned to a specific website visitor), the “id=123” part of the URL is not reported.

Instead, you’ll find www.example.com/conversion-page for all conversions. All conversions that are associated with different IDs are reported collectively under one URL.

Using iframes

If you place the conversion tracking snippet in an iframe, you won’t be able to determine the parent frame location (usually the URL in the website visitor’s address bar).

You may find a report of a webpage as “unknown” if the conversion tag is placed in an iframe for example, Search Ads 360 Floodlight tag. This can affect webpage reporting because of browser security limits and prevent access to top-level URL information.

Noscript or pixel only implementations

The noscript portion of the conversion tracking snippet allows website visitors with javascript disabled to still record conversions. The noscript portion of the script can’t determine the visitors location on the page through the location.pathname method. This value is only available to javascript enabled devices.

For pixel implementations, you may look to HTTP header referral information to determine a conversion URL. When used alone, this can sometimes be inaccurate because of proxy and firewall software that filters out referrer information.

Proxy and firewall software systems work by clearing the referrer field or by replacing it with inaccurate data. Usually, Internet-security suites clear the referrer data, while web-based servers replace it with a false URL that’s often their own.

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