Performance Max Ad Strength

Ad Strength in Performance Max incorporates new signals that can help you achieve optimal performance across various inventory types. While creating and optimizing your Performance Max campaign, Ad Strength is a good indicator for you to understand if your asset group has breadth and depth to maximize campaign performance.

  • You may notice a decrease in Ad Strength scores as Google surfaces new ways to guide you towards optimizing your asset mix.
  • While we’ve found a correlation between increasing Ad Strength and performance, these updates won’t cause a change in your campaign results.

Ad Strength Principles

  • Incomplete: This asset group lacks minimum assets to serve.
  • Poor: This asset group only serves to some available inventories because it only has the minimum assets required to launch Performance Max (in other words, not enough breadth).
  • Average: The asset group has all asset types to serve all available inventories, however it lacks variety for better performance (in other words, not enough depth).
  • Good: This asset group has all asset types, good asset varieties, and good text diversification (in other words, good breadth and depth).
  • Excellent: This asset group has all asset types including optional ones that won’t impact inventory but are good for performance (sitelinks, horizontal logo, square image), excellent text diversification, and excellent asset varieties (in other words, excellent breadth and depth).
Great creative drives results: Google found that advertisers who improve their Performance Max Ad Strength to "Excellent" notice, on average, 6% more conversions. Learn more about Gemini models that are coming to Performance Max.


  Type Minimum Requirement Recommended Maximum
Headlines 3 headlines 11 headlines 15

Long headline 1 headline 2 headlines 5

Descriptions 3 headlines 4 headlines 5


  Type Minimum Requirement Recommended Maximum


1200 x 628 pixels
(min 600 x 314 pixels)

1 image 4 images 20 images
across all types


1200 x 1200 pixels
(min 300 x 300 pixels)

1 image 4 images 20 images
across all types


1200 x 1200 pixels
(min 128 x 128 pixels)

1 image 20 images
across all types


1200 x 300 pixels
(min 512 x 128 pixels)

1 image 20 images
across all types


960 x 1200 pixels
(min 480 x 600 pixels)

2 images 20 images 
across all types


  Ratio Minimum Requirement Recommended Maximum 


10-60 seconds

1 video 5 videos
across all types


10-60 seconds

1 video 5 videos
across all types


10-60 seconds

1 video 5 videos
across all types


Note: Our system is able to automatically generate videos based on the assets provided. However, we still recommend that advertisers upload at least one video themselves.

Other asset types

Ratio Minimum Requirement Recommended Maximum


4 sitelinks 20


1 call 1 per goal


1 lead 1 per goal
Note: If the campaign's primary/biddable conversion goal is call/lead, the asset group is listed as “Incomplete” when it doesn't have call assets or lead assets.

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