Features that help you create a successful campaign

Hero image for how to create a successful campaign.

Optimize your campaign while you create it.

Navigation Menu icon

Campaign navigation menu: Easily navigate between steps and get a holistic view of your progress. The menu highlights any warnings based on your selections for targeting, bidding, budget, creatives, and other settings.

Health Checks icon

Campaign health checks: As you create your campaign, you may receive helpful guidance based on your selections. These health checks may indicate issues that can result in decreased performance or that may be significant enough to prevent you from serving ads.

Forecasts icon

Campaign forecasts: These appear on the right panel and provide performance estimations based on your selections for targeting, bidding, budget, creatives, and other settings.

campaign review icon

Campaign review: You’ll have the opportunity to review all of your setting selections on the “Review” page. There, you may get notifications that you may need to address in order to submit your campaign.

campaign drafts icon

Drafts of your campaign: Campaigns that are still in drafting will save as drafts. You can progress a campaign from drafting to ads serving at any time, so long as any issues with your campaign settings have been addressed.
  About Your Business: For new Google Ads accounts, Google may ask for information upfront about your business before campaign creation, such as the business name and URL. This information will be leveraged to guide you through the automated workflow, and ensure you can get up and running quickly on Google Ads.

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