We announced in February that we’re simplifying match types by combining the control of phrase match with the expanded reach of broad match modifier. As part of this change, both phrase and BMM keywords have adopted this updated matching behaviour and are now the same. This means that keywords using the +keyword and 'keyword' notations are now identical in how they match.
What happens next?
Starting in late July, you’ll no longer be able to create new BMM keywords with the +keyword notation. However, existing BMM keywords will continue to serve using the updated phrase matching behaviour. You’ll be able to edit attributes of your BMM keywords like bid or status, but if you want to edit the keyword text you’ll be prompted to change it to phrase match.
Tools to help you navigate this change
We recommend that you consolidate duplicate keywords and convert your BMM keywords to a different match type to make it easier to manage your account going forwards.
- Use the 'Remove redundant keywords' recommendation on the Recommendations page to highlight redundant BMM keywords when that keyword is already present as phrase match in the same ad group.
- To make it easier for you to convert your BMM keywords into your desired match type, we’ve created two new bulk edit solutions within Google Ads and Google Ads Editor1. Learn more about these solutions in the FAQ section of the Google Ads Help Centre, under 'Should I convert my BMM keywords to phrase match?'.
Within Google Ads:
Within Google Ads Editor:
When you convert your BMM keyword, it will be removed and a new keyword in your specified match type will be created. You'll still be able to view the performance metrics of your removed BMM keyword in the interface. However, the new keyword’s statistics will start fresh. Bear in mind that historical keyword performance doesn't affect how the new keyword will perform in the auction, and changing the match type won’t impact its Quality Score. And this update doesn't impact how negative keywords work.
Tips to help you navigate this change
- Monitor performance and shift budgets where necessary: Whether or not you take any action, traffic may fluctuate. Make any adjustments as needed.
- Regularly check your Recommendations page: In addition to the 'Remove redundant keywords' recommendation that makes it easier to consolidate duplicate keywords, the 'Add new keywords' recommendation can help you maintain keyword coverage.
- Consider using broad match with Smart Bidding: If you change your BMM keywords to phrase match, there will be no difference in behaviour. However, we recommend that you change your BMM keywords to broad match if you use Smart Bidding to help you reach even more relevant searches while still meeting your performance objectives.
Learn more about this update in the Google Ads Help Centre.
Posted by Oliver Kiderle, Product Manager, Google Ads
1. This appears in Google Ads Editor v 1.6 and later