Search trends on the Insights page

Search trend insights help you understand the search interest for products and services relevant to your business.

You can use search trends to respond to shifts in search demand and identify potential opportunities for growth.

You’ll find 2 types of insights:

  1. Account: Search trends related to your existing ads.
  2. Suggested: Opportunities to expand your advertising to new areas relevant to your business. You don’t currently have any ads showing for these insights.

What you’ll learn

This article explains how search trend insights work:

Key definitions

  • Search volume: Volume of searches for this term over a period of time.
  • Query: Logged engagement on (for example, search, scroll, clicking back button, opening a product detail page).

Why use search trend insights

  • Find emerging trends: You’ll find search trends relevant to your products and services.
  • Identify growth opportunities: Use search trend performance to identify areas of search demand where you don’t currently show ads.
  • Respond to changes in consumer behavior: Act on shifts in search interest by reviewing the Recommendations for each search trend.

Where to find search trends

You can view search trends from the "Insights" page of your account or from your Google Ads manager account. Search trends are available in the manager account and at account and campaign levels.

View search trends from the account or campaign level

  1. In your Google Ads account, click the Campaigns icon Campaigns Icon.
  2. Click the Insights and reports drop down in the section menu.
  3. Click Insights.
  4. Go to the “Search trend” table to view your search trends.

View search trends from a Google Ads manager account

  1. In your Google Ads account, click the Campaigns icon Campaigns Icon.
  2. Click the Insights and reports drop down in the section menu.
  3. Click Insights.
  4. Go to the “Search trend” table to view your search trends.

How to use your search trend data

1. Find the summary of search trends

On your "Insights" page, the trend summary gives you a snapshot of the search interest in your market alongside your actual performance.

  1. In your Google Ads account, click the Campaigns icon Campaigns Icon.
  2. Click the Insights and reports drop down in the section menu.
  3. Click Insights.
  4. Review your performance and consider if you’re keeping up with the pace of demand for relevant search terms, or whether there is more volume for you to capture.
  5. Review the data to view how search interest and your performance compare over time.

If you use a manager account, you can find 2 tables in your "Insights" page:

  • Trending now: “Trending now” shows a list of all searches and forecasted trends in an active period.
  • Trending in the next 90 days: “Trending in the next 90 days” shows a list of trends forecasted to come out in the upcoming period based on historical data.

2. Dive deeper into search trend insights

In the Manager account, additional insights for a category in an account will be shown under “Details”:

  • A timeline chart of the search interest and your performance compared over time
  • Trending search terms
  • Trend growth in your campaigns

At the account level, use the following steps:

  1. Click View trend details to learn more about a search trend.
  2. You’ll find a number of additional insights:
    • Trending search terms
    • Trend growth in your campaigns
    • Related search trend insights

Trending search terms

Search term insights help you identify trending searches across Google.

You’ll find opportunities to capture more demand from your existing ads, as well as popular and relevant searches that your ads haven’t yet targeted.

Search term insights can help you find what consumers may be interested in. This information can spark new ideas for your business or new content, such as blog posts to promote your products and services.

Image of the trending search terms card on the insights page

Trend growth in your campaigns

Campaign insights show you the campaigns with the ads that target trending searches. This data can help you capture more interest in searches relevant to your existing campaigns.

Image of trending campaigns insight card

What you can learn from the trend time period

Emerging trends | Week over week

Week over week trends look at the search interest across Google for the last 7 days compared to the previous 7 days.

These insights can help you identify emerging trends so that you can respond quickly.

Sustained interest | Month over month

Month over month trends look at the search interest across Google for the last 28 days compared to the previous 28 days.

These insights can help you identify large spikes in interest or trends that have sustained interest for a longer period.

Opportunities for growth | Year over year

Year over year trends look at the search interest across Google for the last 28 days compared to the same 28 days a year ago.

These insights can help you identify areas of growth.

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