Simplifying image requirements for App campaigns

August 4, 2020

Creative assets are the building blocks for ads in App campaigns. Images—along with text, video, and HTML5—can help you capture the appeal of your brand and find users on more channels.

Today, App campaigns accept more than 30 different sizes and dimensions for image assets. Starting later this year, we will begin shifting from size-based to ratio-based image specifications to make your creative process simpler and more efficient. You will only need to upload images in three aspect ratios to scale your ads across eligible App campaigns properties and formats:

Aspect ratio

Minimum size

Recommended size

1:1 (Square)

200 x 200

1200 x 1200

1.91:1 (Landscape)

600 x 314

1200 x 628

4:5 (Portrait)

320 x 400

1200 x 1500

As part of this update, we will increase the image file size limit from 150KB to 5MB so you can upload higher quality assets. This means App campaigns can turn your assets into ads that are visually engaging on screens of all sizes. We are also trimming our approved file formats, disabling GIFs and keeping only .jpg and .png to make creative development easier for you.

Starting as soon as September 15, 2021, we will migrate all App campaigns to this set of requirements. At that time, you will no longer be able to add new images that do not fit these aspect ratios or file formats. Existing images that do not follow these standards will stop running and be automatically removed. However, your asset reporting history—including data for any removed images and GIFs—will not be affected.

To prepare for these changes and ensure your campaigns continue to run smoothly, we encourage you to review your image creatives and modify the ones you would like to keep serving. We also suggest informing your creative team so they can adjust their strategy according to these new guidelines.

To help you make this transition, we will introduce a tool that enables you to crop your images into one or more of the supported dimensions. You can select existing assets and easily adapt the originals to the accepted aspect ratios. This cropping feature will also be available when you upload images for newly created campaigns.

Cropping tool for images for App campaigns Slide the cropper to select and keep different parts of your original image

Diverse assets and fresh creatives continue to be critical for strong App campaigns performance. Simplified image requirements should free up time and resources for your designers and marketers to invest in more creative themes and best practices. To learn more about how to optimize image assets for App campaigns, check our list of creative best practices, and find support from Google’s App Preferred Creative Partner agencies.

Posted by Jennifer Lui, Product Manager, App Ads

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