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XE12 release notes

Released 12/17/13

iOS app

MyGlass for iOS device screen

MyGlass for iOS is ready. MyGlass has almost all of the features of the Android app, but designed especially for Apple mobile devices. Set up Glass, get turn-by-turn directions, add new contacts, and turn on Glassware. It's made especially for XE12, so you'll want to plug in Glass to your charger and upgrade before downloading the app if you haven't already. We'll be releasing it on the App Store later this week.

Google Play Music

(December 2nd)

Google Play Music playing Nightengale Floors album by Rogue Wave

Have you heard? You can listen to the music you've bought or uploaded on Google Play through Glass. Listen to your collection or sign up for All Access and listen to anything in Google's entire collection. Enable Google Music from the Glassware tab in MyGlass and then start kicking out the jams by saying "ok glass, listen to" from the Home screen.

Play Music Touch Menu

Google Play Music playlists in Glass

XE12 lets you navigate your playlists and more through the Listen action menu. Tap the Home screen and swipe forward and select Listen. You'll be able to swipe through the Playlists you've created from the Google Play Music app or website. If you're an All Access subscriber, you can also choose I'm Feeling Lucky Radio or My Stations to listen to radio.

Protect your device with screen lock

Screen Lock

Prevent others from using your Glass by setting up a screen lock. Set it up from the screen lock card in the Settings bundle. Once you do, screen lock will activate any time you deactivate the device or whenever On-Head Detection detects you've taken Glass off.

Hangouts Glassware

Turn on the new Hangouts Glassware on MyGlass to use Hangouts to send and receive chats, photos and make video calls. Once it's on, you'll be able to send messages to any of your contacts with a Hangout account. Note that video calls will now only work if Hangouts Glassware is on.

YouTube Glassware

Share your videos to YouTube through Glass. Enable the Glassware and you'll see three new options in the sharing menu with the YouTube logo: Public, Private, and Unlisted. Once shared, your video is up and ready for view in your YouTube channel. Get started by turning on YouTube Glassware on MyGlass.


Wink configuration screen

For those times you might miss a shot, try capturing the moment with a wink. The Wink feature is a exploratory feature that lets you take a picture with a wink. It's even faster than the camera button or voice action and it even works when the display is off.

Wink is an exploratory feature. To use it, you'll need a device purchased or swapped after October 28th, 2013.

Wink doesn't work on everyone yet. There are a few things you can try to get Wink working properly.

Google "How far to Brooklyn?"

Here's a little extra feature from the search team. Try "ok glass, google 'how far to Brooklyn.'" No Sleep Till Brooklyn.

Google "How many calories in a banana?"

Another enabled search feature lets you query your caloric intake. Try "ok glass, google 'how many calories in a banana?"

Removed signature from messages

We thought it was about time to retire the "Sent Through Glass" signature that is appended to all outgoing SMS messages. It's probably not all that useful to people receiving the message to know how you sent it, and it saves some precious characters in your text message. Your email contacts won't miss it, though. The signature is still appended to sent emails.

Au revoir Guest Mode

Why'd we get rid of Guest Mode? Maintaining features in Guest Mode was an extra burden on developers. That's time we'd rather spend getting out new features. A number of us on the team have demo accounts we've set up with Glass. If your Glass is going to be around family members this holiday and you intend to have screen lock off, you can create a new demo Google Account here.


(November 19th)

Developers can now build and run Glassware directly on Glass using the newly released Glass Development Kit (GDK). The GDK enables richer Glassware complete with interactive features and access to some of the hardware features. If you're a developer, read up on the GDK documentation. If you've already built some Glassware on the GDK, you will likely need to update it for XE12. For more details, see the platform release notes.

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