These devices track Active Zone Minutes :
- Fitbit Charge 4
- Fitbit Charge 5
- Fitbit Charge 6
- Fitbit Inspire 2
- Fitbit Inspire 3
- Fitbit Luxe
- Fitbit Sense series
- Fitbit Versa series
- Google Pixel Watch series
All other devices track active minutes .
Earn Active Zone Minutes for time spent in the moderate (fat burn), vigorous (cardio), or peak heart-rate zones. To help you maximize your time, you earn 2 Active Zone Minutes for each minute you’re in the vigorous or peak zones. Heart-rate zones are personalized based on your fitness level and age.
Heart-Rate Zone | Active Zone Minutes |
1 minute in the moderate zone | 1 Active Zone Minute |
1 minute in the vigorous or peak zone | 2 Active Zone Minutes* |
For more information about heart-rate zones, refer to How do I track heart rate with my Fitbit device?
Your Fitbit device doesn't track your heart rate during a swim workout. You earn 1 Active Zone Minute for each minute of swimming.
For more intense workouts, such as spinning, interval training, or running, the number of Active Zone Minutes you earn might exceed the length of your workout. For example, if you run for a total of 20 minutes and spend 10 minutes in the fat burn zone and 10 minutes in the cardio or peak zones, you earn 30 Active Zone Minutes.
Workout | Heart-Rate Zone | Active Zone Minutes |
5-minute warmup | Moderate zone (1x) | 5 |
10-minute run | Vigorous and peak zones (2x) | 20 |
5-minute cool down | Moderate zone (1x) | 5 |
20-minute workout | TOTAL | 30 |
There are 2 ways your device notifies you about Active Zone Minutes:
- Workouts: A few moments after you enter a different heart-rate zone in the Exercise app
, so that you know how hard you're working.
The number of times your device buzzes indicates which zone you're in:Number of Buzzes Heart-Rate Zone 1 buzz Fat burn zone 2 buzzes Cardio zone 3 buzzes Peak zone
Everyday activity: 7 minutes after you enter a heart-rate zone during the day (for example, during a brisk walk).
There are 2 ways your device notifies you about Active Zone Minutes:
- Workouts: A few moments after you enter a different heart-rate zone while using the Exercise app
The number of times your device buzzes indicated which zone you're in:
Number of Buzzes | Heart-Rate Zone |
1 buzz | Fat burn zone |
2 buzzes | Cardio zone |
3 buzzes | Peak zone |
- Everyday activity: 7 minutes after you enter a heart-rate zone throughout the day (for example, during a brisk walk)
Note: On Inspire 3 and Luxe, heart-zone notifications are turned off to start. To turn them on, refer to Can I turn zone notifications on or off on my Fitbit device?
There are 2 ways to receive heart-zone notifications after you enter a heart-rate zone during an exercise in the Exercise app :
- Set a goal of Active Zone minutes for your workout. On your device, open the Exercise app
tap an exercise
Active Zone Minutes
set a goal, and start the workout.
- Turn on zone notifications for the exercise. On your device, open the Exercise app
tap an exercise
tap the gear icon
Zone Notifications.
The number of times your device buzzes indicates which heart-rate zone you’re in:
Number of Buzzes | Heart-Rate Zone |
1 light buzz | Below zones |
1 buzz | Fat burn zone |
2 buzzes | Cardio zone |
3 buzzes | Peak zone |
Number of Buzzes | Heart-Rate Zone |
1 buzz | Below zones |
2 buzzes | Fat burn zone |
3 buzzes | Cardio zone |
4 buzzes | Peak zone |
When using the Exercise app , your watch notifies you a few moments after you enter a different heart-rate zone. The number of times your device buzzes indicates which zone you’re in:
Number of Buzzes | Heart-Rate Zone |
1 buzz | Fat burn zone |
2 buzzes | Cardio zone |
3 buzzes | Peak zone |
Scenario | How to turn notifications on or off |
Heart-zone notifications during an exercise in the Exercise app |
To turn notifications on or off for a different exercise , turn on Do Not Disturb |
Heart-zone notifications you receive during everyday activity. | On Charge 4, open the Settings app |
Receive heart-zone notifications during an exercise in the Exercise app |
On Charge 4, open the Settings app |
Scenario | How to turn notifications on or off |
Heart-zone notifications during an exercise in the Exercise app |
Heart-zone notifications you receive during everyday activity. |
Scenario | How to turn notifications on or off |
Heart-zone notifications during an exercise in the Exercise app |
Weekly Active Zone Minutes notifications |
- On your watch, open the Fitbit Exercise app.
- Tap an exercise
the goal icon
Heart rate zone mode.
- To target a particular heart-rate zone, tap target HR zone. Choose the heart-rate zone you want to target.
- To get an alert every time you change heart-rate zones, tap Zone change alerts.
- Swipe right to return to the previous screen.
- Tap a heart-rate zone.
Your active minutes data is below your Active Zone Minutes data in the Fitbit app:
- On the Today tab
, tap the Active Zone Min tile.
- At the top, tap Week.
- Scroll down to view your active minutes data.
1 MET is the rate of energy you expend during rest or sitting quietly, while you typically expend 3 METs or more during a moderately-intense activity such as walking. You earn active minutes for activities at or above about 3 METs.
If your Fitbit device tracks heart rate, your heart-rate data is used to calculate active minutes for non-step-based activities, such as weight lifting, yoga, and rowing. If your device doesn’t track heart rate, your active minutes for these activities will be lower.
To start, your active minutes goal is based on the Center for Disease Control’s recommendation of daily moderate-to-intense activity: 30 minutes for adults and 60 minutes for children. You can change this goal to meet your needs.