Phone service cancelled by Google Fi, their mistake. Won't take ownership of situation.
Since day one of receiving my phone, and getting it activated. I have had issues. In order to get my phone ACTIVATED, I had to call support three times. Each time asking them if this was going to affect the promo on the phone. Promo was paying $700 in 24 months. Just recently, my service was suspended for non-payment. I was trying to get an extension so it would not get suspended. Google Fi did not approve, it would have been the next day. When I went on the site to pay, the link to restore service was not there. I asked my brother to help me. We go to the site, and click on the bill, it says $999. We both were like "WHAT"?? Called SUPPORT, they said that the phone was never "ACTIVATED PROPERLY" I called three times to get the phone activated. The next excuse they gave me was I used my "hotmail account" to activate the promo. My brother created a gmail account for me specifically for the Google Fi account. How they got the hotmail account. I have "No Idea". I then asked is it not on the account notes, that we had to call three times to get the phone activated?? She said "NO" now how was the phone "ACTIVATED" if it was "NEVER ACTIVATED" I don't understand that part, and the whole thing about using the hotmail to activate it, "IT IS CRAZY" They kept stressing the fact that it had to be activated with the gmail account. Here is what is bizarre, she said, because the hotmail address was used it voided the promo. When you look under the "ACCOUNTS THAT WORK WITH GOOGLE FI" it says "Most Google accounts work with Google Fi, these include: The third bullet point says, "Other Google accounts, LIKE "@YAHOO.COM OR "@HOTMAIL.COM" EMAIL ADDRESSES. Now, they are saying, that I cancelled the service, when I did no such thing. They want me to pay the $999 bill, so the email addresses can be SWITCHED??? I feel they are totally trying to cover up their mistake. If I pay the $999, the email addresses can be switched. I was like I don't have a thousand dollars laying around. And will i get refunded for your guys mistake?? Somehow, mysteriously the notes are missing from the three times I called to activate my phone. I don't understand how GOOGLE, being the big business that they are, are allowing GOOGLE FI, to tarnish the reputation that they have built. Now, here I am stuck with no phone and a $999 bill. I just don't know what to do or who to contact to fix this situation. "IT WAS NOT MY FAULT"