Get started with Classroom for teachers

This article is for teachers. Students, go here.

If you're new to Classroom, this article will show you around and help you complete some common tasks. 

Get started

You'll notice slight differences when you use Classroom on a mobile device. In addition, some tasks, such as setting up your grading system, have to be done on a computer.  

To get started with Classroom on a mobile device, complete these steps:

  1. Get the Classroom app.
  2. Sign in to Classroom
  3. Choose an option:
  4. Invite students to your class
    You can do this step later. 

After you install the app and have a class, you're ready to complete common tasks or explore Classroom.

Complete common tasks

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Communicate with your class Work offline
On Android devices, you can use certain Classroom app functions without an Internet connection. Students can:
  • Review the class announcements and assignments
  • Find and edit downloaded assignment attachments
  • Manage and remove offline files

Explore Classroom

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Explore the Classes page
On the Classes page, you can view and enter all your classes. Think of it as your Classroom homepage.
To open the Classes page, after you install the Classroom app, tap Classroom Classroom app.
On the Classes page, each of your classes has a class card. 
  • To enter a class, tap a card.
  • To return to the Classes page from within a class, in the top-left corner, tap Menu and thenClasses.

Common tasks on the Classes page

Explore the Stream page
On the Stream page, you can post announcements to your class. Your students can also post and comment, if you allow. Think of the Stream page as your class message board.
To open the Stream page for a class:
  1. Tap Classroom Classroom app.
  2. Tap a class card.
    You're on the Stream page.

Common tasks on the Stream page

Explore the Classwork page
On the Classwork page, you can create and post classwork and materials for your students. You can organise your posts under topics that you create.
After you publish a post, students can click it to begin their work.
To open the Classwork page:
  1. Tap Classroom Classroom app.
  2. Tap a class card.
  3. At the bottom, tap Classwork.

Common tasks on the Classwork page

Explore the People page
On the People page, you can see a list of everyone in the class. Plus, you can invite people to join the class and send emails. Think of the People page as your class register.  
To open the People page:
  1. Tap Classroom Classroom app.
  2. Tap a class card.
  3. At the bottom, tap People.

Common tasks on the People page

Explore the Marks page
On the Marks page, you can view, enter and return marks. Only teachers have the Marks page. 
To view the Marks page, use a computer.

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