Email your teacher or classmates

This article is for students. Teachers go here.

If your administrator turns on the Gmail and Directory services for students in your school, you can email your teachers and classmates in Classroom using your school account. 

What do I do if email is turned off?

If you can't use email, you might still be able to send a message to your teacher and classmates:

  • If your teacher allows it, post to the class stream and specifically mention your teacher and classmates.
  • Send a private message to your teacher in an assignment or question.

Email a teacher

  1. Tap Classroom Classroom app.
  2. Tap the teacher's class.
  3. Tap People .
  4. Next the teacher's name, tap Email .
    Note: If you don’t see Email , you might not be allowed to use email in Classroom. Or, you might be using Classroom with a personal account.
  5. In the new email, enter your messageand thentap Send .

Email another student

  1. Tap Classroom Classroom app.
  2. Tap the student's class.
  3. Tap People .
  4. Next to the student's name, tap Email .
    Note: If you don’t see Email , you might not be allowed to use email in Classroom. Or, you might be using Classroom with a personal account.
  5. In the new email, enter your messageand thentap Send .

Open your email

  1. Tap Gmail .

    Be sure you’re signed in with your school account.

  2. Tap Menu and thenInbox or Sent.

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