Create a class

You can create a class to assign work and post announcements to students.
If your school has a Google Workspace for Education account, you should use that email to create your classes. However, anyone over 13 years old can create a class using a personal Google Account.

Before you begin: Install the Classroom app

To create and manage classes on a mobile device, you need to install the Classroom app. For details, go to Get the Classroom app.

Create a class

  1. Tap Classroom Classroom app.
  2. Tap Add and thenCreate class.
  3. Enter the class name.
  4. (Optional) To enter a short description, year level or class time, tap Section and enter the details.
  5. (Optional) To enter the location for the class, tap Room and enter the details.
  6. (Optional) To add a subject, tap Subject and enter a name.
  7. Tap Create.

Classroom automatically creates a class code that you can use to invite students to the class. You can always get the class code at the top of the class stream.

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Accept a provisioned class

Your Classroom administrator can create classes for you and add students to them. To activate a provisioned class so that it’s visible to students and co-teachers, you have to sign in to Classroom and accept the class.

  1. Tap Classroom Classroom app.
  2. On the class card, tap Accept.

Note: To learn more about provisioning classes, go to Classroom API resources.

Change the class theme
This feature is only available in the computer version of Classroom. To find the instructions, click Computer.
Edit class information
  1. Tap Classroom Classroom app.
  2. On the class card, tap More and thenEdit.
  3. Enter a new name, section, room or subjectand thentap Save.
Change your profile photo

Classroom uses your Google Account profile photo as your Classroom profile photo. To change your photo, go to Change your Gmail profile picture.

Copy a class
This feature is only available in the computer version of Classroom. For instructions, go to Copy a class.

Problem creating a class?

  • If you have a Google Workspace for Education account but can't add a class, your Google Workspace administrator might need to verify that you're a teacher. Contact your administrator for help. For instructions, administrators can go to Verify teachers and set permissions.
  • If you have a personal Google Account, there are limits on the number of classes that you can create. Learn more about Classroom limits.

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