
Welcome to the help center for Search Ads 360, a platform for managing search marketing campaigns.  While the help center is available to the public, access to the Search Ads 360 product is available only to subscribing customers who are signed in. To subscribe or find out more, contact our sales team.

Edit Google Ads call-only ads in bulk

You can edit call-only ads in bulk using the Search Ads 360 user interface or you can use a bulksheet to edit (as well as create) them.

You can use the following steps to edit one or more call-only ads. Once you start a bulk edit for a large group of items, Search Ads 360 may need some time to apply the edits. In the meantime, Search Ads 360 does not start applying other bulk edits that you might start in the engine account, or bulk edits that were scheduled to start, until the current edit is finished. That is, there can only be one active bulk edit per engine account at a time.

When you edit a call-only ad, Search Ads 360 removes the existing call-only ad and creates a new one with the reporting statistics set to zero. Historical statistics will remain with the older, removed version of the call-only ad.

  1. Navigate to a Google Ads engine account and click the Ads tab.

    Steps for navigating to an engine account
    1. In the left navigation panel, click All accounts.
      What if the left navigation pane isn't visible?

    2. Click the navigation bar to display navigation options.

    3. In the "Agency" list, click on the agency that contains the advertiser. You can search for an agency by name or scroll through the list.

    4. In the "Advertiser" list, click on the advertiser that contains the engine account.

    5. In the "Account" list, click on the engine account.

    6. Click Apply or press the Enter key.

    Search Ads 360 displays the engine account page.

  2. Do one of the following:

    • Select the checkboxes of the call-only ads that you want to edit.
    • Set up a filter so the table contains only the call-only ads that you want to update.

    If you don’t select any checkboxes or filter the list, Search Ads 360 will edit all the ads, including text ads, across all pages.

  3. In the toolbar above the table, click the Edit button and select the action you want to take.

    • Status commands:

      • Pause. Stops a call-only ad. The ad isn’t returned in search results. You can resume the ad at any time.
      • Resume. Resumes a call-only ad after it’s been paused.
      • Remove. Permanently removes a call-only ad.
    • Edit commands:

      • Find and replace. Replaces one value with another.
      • Set. Sets the value of a selected item. For example, specify a different country code for the selected ads.
      • Change label. Applies a label to the selected ads.

      The Editing panel appears.

    Call-only ads target only mobile devices. Any selections made in the Change device preference command are ignored.
  4. The Applies to option shows the number of ads or keywords you selected.

    You also have the option to select all ads across all pages or matching the filter.

  5. Enter the changes for the selected call-only ad field.
  6. Optional. Schedule the edit to occur at a specific time or on a recurring basis.
  7. Click Save.

    A message above the table displays the progress of the bulk edit. If needed, you can attempt to cancel the edits. It's possible to cancel a bulk edit while objects are being sent to the engine; visit the Bulk operations page to see which edits were fully processed before cancellation. However, if you click Cancel too late in the process, Search Ads 360 will finish all the edits.

    You can click the More details link to see the Bulk operations page.


Bulk edit call-only ad fields

  • Business name
  • Country code
  • Phone number
  • Description line 1
  • Description line 2
  • Display URL
  • Phone number verification URL
  • Call tracked
  • Disable call conversion
  • Call conversion tracker

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