
Welcome to the help center for Search Ads 360, a platform for managing search marketing campaigns.  While the help center is available to the public, access to the Search Ads 360 product is available only to subscribing customers who are signed in. To subscribe or find out more, contact our sales team.

Set up and add your Microsoft Merchant Center store to Search Ads 360

To set up a Microsoft Merchant Center store:

Use Microsoft's Google Import tool to port the contents of your Google Merchant Center into your Microsoft Merchant Center. This simplifies the process and ensures consistency between feeds.
  1. Create a Microsoft Merchant Center store to match your Google Merchant Center account.

  2. In each Microsoft Merchant Center store, create a catalog that contains the same products as  the corresponding Google Merchant Center account.

  3. For each product in the catalog, make sure you specify the same value for a specific group of product attributes as the Google Merchant Center account.  

For example:

  1. Suppose Hooper’s Store sells products "A", "B", "C" and "D" across 2 Google Merchant Center accounts:

    • "A" and "B" are defined in Google Merchant Center account 1234567890

    • "C" and "D" are defined in Google Merchant Center account 0987654321

  2. Hooper’s Store should set up two Microsoft Merchant Center stores, and define "A" and "B" in store 1, and "C" and "D" in store 2.

Microsoft Shopping campaigns can target users in countries around the world. However, your Google Merchant Center inventory feed must use a feed label to specify the two-letter country code of the country targeted by the feed.

Link the Microsoft Merchant Center store to Search Ads 360

After you set up a Microsoft Merchant Center store, you will need to link the store to your Search Ads 360 advertiser to create or sync Microsoft Shopping Campaigns. Link the store to the same Search Ads 360 advertiser as the Google Merchant Center store. Search Ads 360 doesn't support linking to multi-client accounts.

Once you link a Google Merchant Center account or a Microsoft Merchant Center store with Search Ads 360, you cannot remove the link. This is to prevent accidental removal of an inventory feed that's currently being used by a shopping campaign or inventory plan. Contact support if you need to remove a link to an inventory account. 

If you are using the same Google Merchant Center feed from an existing Google Shopping campaign, edit the inventory account to add the Microsoft Merchant Center store ID. (An advertiser viewer can't edit the inventory account.)

  1. In Search Ads 360, navigate to an advertiser.
  2. If you're creating a new inventory account, link a Google Merchant Center account to Search Ads 360.

    If you are using the same inventory feed from an existing Google Shopping campaign, your Search Ads 360 account is already linked to a Google Merchant Center account. You'll just need to edit the inventory feed to add the Microsoft Merchant Center store ID, as described in the following steps.

  3. In the left navigation panel, click Feeds
  4. In the table, select the checkbox next to the inventory account for the Google Merchant Center.
  5. Above the reporting table, click Edit ▼, and then click Edit details.
  6. In the Bing Merchant Center section, in the Add new store ID box, type the Microsoft Merchant Center store ID.

    To find the Microsoft Merchant Center Store ID: 

    1. Sign in to your Microsoft Advertising account.
    2. Click Tools, and then click Microsoft Merchant Center.
    3. Click the store name.
    4. Click the Store settings tab.

    You can't remove a store ID after you save the inventory account in Search Ads 360. You can add more store IDs, but you won't be able to change existing store IDs.
  7. Click Save.

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