Dimensions in reports
The following is a list of dimensions that are available in various reports in Display & Video 360.
Dimension | Category | Description |
First-party Audience List | Audience | A first party audience list is built and managed for the advertiser exclusively, whereas a third-party audience list is managed by a third-party data provider, and made available for a fee to individual advertisers. Audience List: ID (identifier), Type (what source the data came from), and Cost (cost to use the list) are available as dimensions. |
Remarketing List | Audience |
The name of the remarketing list your audience is a part of. Use remarketing lists to target audiences that have already visited your website or YouTube channel.
Third-party Audience List & Interest | Audience |
A first party audience list is built and managed for the advertiser exclusively, whereas a third-party audience list is managed by a third-party data provider, and made available for a fee to individual advertisers. Audience List: ID (identifier), Type (what source the data came from), and Cost (cost to use the list) are available as dimensions.
Match Ratio | Audience | The match ratio describes the similarity between the users on a first-party audience list to the users on a third-party audience list. Numbers greater than 1 are a positive correlation, where higher numbers indicate a greater similarity. Match ratios under 1 correspond to a negative correlation, and generally imply a list isn't good to target. Learn more about the match ratio |
Targeted Audience List | Audience |
The audience lists that are used for audience list targeting. |
Measurement Source | CM360 |
How the data was measured. Possible values include:
Refreshed Ad | CM360 |
Refreshed Ad shows if a new ad loaded into a slot which previously held a different ad. Return values include: Refreshed: Returned when an ad is loaded in a slot previously held by a different ad. Unknown: Returned either when we don't know or the publisher didn't share information in the tag. |
Browser | Computer system | The name of a web browser. This may be useful when defining targeting. |
Device Make | Computer system |
The brand of mobile device, such "Acer", "Amazon", "Apple", and so on.
Device Model | Computer system |
The brand and model of mobile device, such "Amazon Kindle Fire", "Apple iPhone", "Samsung Galaxy" and so on.
Device Type | Computer system | The type of device, such as "Desktop", “Connected TV”,"Smartphone", and "Tablet". |
Environment | Computer system | The environment where your ads served. Values include:
Operating System | Computer system |
The name of an operating system.
ISP or Carrier | Computer system | Internet service provider (ISP) or wireless carrier. ISP includes wifi and wired connections based on the public IP given by the provider. Wireless carrier includes only cellular data connections. |
ISP or Carrier ID | Computer system | The ID of an internet service provider (ISP) or wireless carrier. |
Day Of Week | Date | Sunday through Saturday. |
Time Of Day | Date |
Each hour of the day, represented by 1 to 24. For Campaign Manager 360 users, the time is based on Campaign Manager 360 reporting timezone settings. Otherwise, this time is based on Display & Video 360 advertiser settings. Use this data to find a time of day that performs better. Assign dayparting to a line item, and bid up during this time.
Ad Position | General | Identifies where an ad was located on a screen. Values include above-the-fold, below-the-fold, and unknown. |
Ad Type | General | The type of ad. For example, standard, in-stream video, etc. |
Advertiser | General | The name of an advertiser. |
AMP Page Request | General | Whether or not the impression was served on an AMP webpage. |
Anonymous Inventory Modeling | General |
Indicates whether or not an impression was purchased using modeled frequency management. Impressions labeled as "probabilistic" are impressions that were bought using modeled frequency management.
App/URL | General | The name of a site, or mobile app. |
Category | General | The market category that you targeted. For example, if you targeted the " |
Channel | General | A channel is a list of websites. Channels can be used to quickly target or exclude a group of related websites. |
Conversion Pixel | General | Name, ID, CM ID, status (e.g. Active), and integration code for pixels served. |
Creative | General | A creative in Display & Video 360 is a placement in Campaign Manager 360. These placements should be named to identify the creative that is served. |
Creative Asset | General | The type of creative asset, or other details. |
Creative Attributes | General | Any additional details about the creative that served, such as the direction of expansion (if the creative was expandable), if the creative used VAST or Active View, or if the creative was a dynamic creative (if enabled for your account). |
Creative Rendered in AMP | General | Whether or not the creative was rendered in AMP for a given impression. |
Creative Size | General | Creative width (e.g. 120, 300, 728) and height (e.g. 600, 250, 90) |
Exchange | General | The exchange where through which the ad is served. Optimization tip: Move higher performing exchanges into unique line items and bid higher. |
Insertion Order | General | The name of an insertion order. |
Insertion Order Daily Frequency | General | Use this dimension to determine which frequencies are correlated with the most conversions or clicks. Optimization tip: To bid only on the most promising impressions, set your insertion order's frequency cap to the frequency where performance drops off. |
Inventory Commitment Type | General |
The ad buyer's and ad seller's commitment to the inventory. For example, guaranteed or non-guaranteed.
Inventory Delivery Method | General |
The inventory delivery method. For example: programmatic, tag, etc.
Inventory Rate Type | General |
The rate type of the inventory. For example: auction or fixed price.
Inventory Source | General | The name of the deal that supplies buyable impressions to your line items. |
Integration Code | General |
An external identifier entered in the Basic Details section of a given advertiser, insertion order, line item, or creative.
Inventory Source ID | General | The Display & Video 360 identifier for a deal. |
Inventory Source ID (External) | General | The seller's (i.e. a publisher or exchange) identifier for a deal used in their systems. |
Inventory Source Type | General |
The source of the inventory. For example: public or private.
Keyword | General | A word or phrase related to a YouTube video, YouTube channel, or type of website that an audience is interested in. |
Line Item | General | The name of a line item. |
Line Item Daily Frequency | General | Use this dimension to determine which frequencies are correlated with the most conversions or clicks. |
Line Item Lifetime Frequency | General | Use this dimension to determine which frequencies are correlated with the most conversions or clicks, and evaluate where a lifetime cap should be set. |
Line Item Type | General | The type of line item, such as "Real-time bidding" or "Video real-time bidding". |
Max Video Duration | General |
The maximum duration of a video creative.
Media Type | General | The type of media. For example, display, video, audio, etc. |
Playback Method | General |
Position in Content | General |
Identifies where an ad was located in relation to other content. Values include in-article, in-banner, in-feed, interstitial, unknown, pre-roll, mid-roll, and post-roll.
Public Inventory | General |
Indicates whether or not the inventory was publicly available or sold through a private/direct deal.
Served Pixel Density | General |
For high-density images, the served pixel density relative to the creative dimension. This is calculated as Some sample values include:
Time To Conversion | General |
The amount of time between a visitor's last impression or click, and their conversion.
Video Skippable Support | General |
For video ads, indicates if videos are skippable or not.
Publisher Property | General |
A publisher’s site or app where your ads served, such as example.com. More specific parts of the site, such as example.com/sports or example.com/news, are publisher property sections.
Publisher Property ID | General |
The ID of the publisher property.
Publisher Property Section | General |
The specific section of a publisher’s site or app where your ads served, such as example.com/sports. The main site or app, such as example.com, is the publisher property.
Publisher Property Section ID | General |
The ID of the publisher property section.
OM SDK Available | General | Whether or not the Open Measurement SDK was available for verification or viewability measurement on the inventory. |
Targeted Data Providers | General | The data provider(s) of the targeted audience list(s). |
Currency | General | The currency set for the given advertiser or partner. |
Budget Segment End Date | General |
The day on which the budget segment starts.
Budget Segment Start Date | General |
The day on which the budget segment starts.
Budget Segment Name | General |
The name given to the budget segment.
Budget Type (Segment) | General |
The budget type, either impressions or currency, for the current segment.
Line Item Budget | General |
The budget assigned to the line item.
Line Item Start Date | General |
The date on which the line item will be eligible to start serving.
Budget Segment Pacing Percentage | General |
The percent of the assigned budget that is expected to be spent in the budget segment.
Line Item Pacing Percentage | General |
The percentage of the assigned line item budget that is expected to be spent.
Budget Segment Budget | General |
The budget amount set for the budget segment.
Current IO Goal Type | General |
The goal type chosen for the insertion order.
Current IO Goal Value | General |
The goal value chosen for the insertion order.
Creative Source | General | Where a creative comes from, such as Campaign Manager 360, a third-party ad server, or uploaded. |
Exchange ID | General | The ID of a specific exchange. |
Creative Status | General | The status of a creative. This can be active or paused. |
Partner Status | General | The status of the partner entity. |
Publisher Traffic Source | General |
Indicates if traffic was organic or purchased. Possible values include:
Bid Strategy Type | General |
The type of bid strategy used to purchase media, such as fixed bidding, maximize clicks, etc. Note that the values for line items using the "Meet or beat CPC goal" bid strategy, YouTube line items, and archived line items will be "unknown".
Seller Id | General |
The ID of a seller’s site or app where your ads appear. This ID is typically received in a bid request and specific to an exchange. |
Other (advertiser, ID, etc.) | General | A dimension prefixed with "Other" is one half of a pair of dimensions for use with unique reach overlap metrics. For example, use "advertiser" and "other advertiser" dimensions to report on the overlap between the two. |
Is YouTube TV | General | When applied to MRC accredited metrics, the Is YouTube TV dimension indicates whether or not the metrics include (True) or do not include (False) traffic from YouTube TV. |
Matched Genre Target | General | The genre associated with an ad impression that aligns with one of the genres targeted. |
Video Content Live Stream | General | Indicates whether the video content being served is live or on-demand. |
Rejection Reason | Impression Loss |
Pair the Rejection Reason dimension with the Targeted Impressions metric to show the number of targeted impressions lost for a given reason.
Video Continuous Play | In-stream video |
Whether or not the video impression came from a continuous play environment. Possible values include "continuous", "not continuous", and "not set" (when continuous play information couldn't be determined).
Age | Inventory availability | The age group of your audience. For example: 18-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55-64, 65+, or Unknown. |
Format | Inventory availability (Offline reporting only) | The format of creative an ad slot supports. Examples include: standard, standard or expandable, audio, native, etc. |
Gender | Inventory availability | The gender of your audience. For example: Male, Female, or Unknown. |
Interest | YouTube inventory availability | The area of interest of your audience. Some audiences are in the market for a purchase, like a car. Others have a longer term affinity for a category or hobby. In market examples include: Autos & Vehicles and Travel. Affinity examples include: Foodies, Action Game Fans, and Health & Fitness Buffs. |
Life Event | YouTube inventory availability | The event you're targeting with life event audience lists for YouTube ad groups. |
Parental Status | YouTube inventory availability |
The parental status of your audience. For example: Parent, Not a parent, or Unknown.
Video Format Support | Inventory availability (Offline reporting only) |
The file formats for video creatives, including "MP4", "OGG", "WMV", "3GPP", "WEBM", "HTML5" (corresponds to MP4 and WEBM), and "HTML5 VPAID".
YouTube Channel | YouTube inventory availability (Offline reporting only) |
A YouTube channel. If you group by YouTube channel in the YouTube Inventory Availability Report, you'll see the channel ID in your report.
YouTube Video | YouTube inventory availability (Offline reporting only) |
A YouTube video. If you group by YouTube video in the YouTube Inventory Availability Report, you'll see the video ID in your report.
Eligible Cookies on First-Party Audience List | Inventory availability (Offline reporting only) |
The number of eligible cookies on a given first-party audience list. Must be greater than 1000 to display data.
Eligible Cookies on Third-Party Audience List | Inventory availability (Offline reporting only) |
The number of eligible cookies on a given third-party / interest based audience list. Must be greater than 1000 to display data.
City | Location | Names of cities. Use this dimension to identify geographic locations that perform well and perform poorly. |
Country | Location | Names of countries. Use this dimension to identify geographic locations that perform well and perform poorly. |
DMA | Location | Names of designated market areas (DMAs). Use this dimension to identify geographic locations that perform well. |
Region | Location |
Names of geographic regions, including states (when possible). Use this dimension to identify geographic locations that perform well and perform poorly.
City ID | Location | The ID of a specific city. |
Region ID | Location |
The ID of a specific geographic region.
Zip Code | Location |
The postal code to identify a geographic location. Note that the value for YouTube line items will be "unknown".
Audience Segment | Additional dimensions |
The name or list of your data segment
Audience Segment Type | Additional dimensions |
The type of audience targeting. This includes:
Conversion Source | General |
Where a customer completed a conversion, such as a website, mobile app, or store visit.
Conversion Type | General |
The name of the specific Floodlight activity that recorded a conversion.
Custom Affinity | Additional dimensions | The segment you’re targeting with Custom Affinity lists. |
Detailed Demographics | Additional dimensions | The detailed demographics you’re targeting for YouTube ad groups. |
Detailed Demographics ID | Additional dimensions | The ID of the detailed demographics list you’re targeting. |
Asset | Additional dimensions |
The physical storefront(s) used in an asset.
Asset Status | Additional dimensions |
The status of a location asset in Display & Video 360.
Asset Type | Additional dimensions |
The type of asset, either location asset or affiliate location asset.
Household Income | Additional dimensions |
The household income demographic you’re targeting.
Placement (All) | Additional dimensions |
All locations where your ads can appear based on targeting settings. A placement can be a website, webpage, mobile app, video content, or an individual ad unit.
Placement (All YouTube Channels) | Additional dimensions |
The URL of a YouTube channel where your ads can appear.
Placement (Managed) | Additional dimensions |
The placements (website, mobile app, or ad unit) that were created and specifically chosen for targeting.
YouTube Ad | Additional dimensions |
The name of a specific YouTube ad.
YouTube Ad Group | General |
The name of the YouTube ad group. Ad groups contain one or more ads.
YouTube Ad Group ID | General |
The ID of the YouTube ad group. Ad groups contain one or more ads.
YouTube Ad ID | Additional dimensions |
The ID of a specific YouTube ad.
Video Duration | General |
The length (in milliseconds) of a YouTube video you’ve used as an ad in a YouTube & partners line item. If you group by YouTube Ad Video in the YouTube report, you’ll see columns for this dimension and the video’s ID in the generated report. |
YouTube Ad Video | Additional dimensions |
The name of a YouTube video you've used as an ad in a YouTube & partners line item. If you group by YouTube ad video in the YouTube report, you'll also see columns for the video's ID and duration in the generated report.
YouTube Ad Video ID | Additional dimensions |
The ID of a YouTube video you’ve used as an ad in a YouTube & partners line item. If you group by YouTube Ad Video in the YouTube report, you’ll see columns for this dimension and the video duration in the generated report.
Placement Name (All YouTube Channels) | Additional dimensions |
The name of a YouTube channel where your ads can appear.
Click Type | General |
The type of click. Includes Website, Headline, End cap, Cards, Lead form, Get location details, Driving directions, Show nearby locations, and Sitelink.
YouTube Ad Type | General |
The type of YouTube ad. Includes Audio ad, Bumper ad, Masthead ad, Non-skippable in-stream ad, Outstream ad, Responsive video ad, Skippable in-stream ad, Third party ad, Video ad, and in-feed video ad.
YouTube Ad Format | General |
The format of the YouTube ad. Where multi-format ads (responsive ads) are used in your line item, this dimension can be used to break down key metrics by YouTube ad format. Includes skippable in-stream, bumper, non-skippable in-stream, in-feed, and Shorts video ads. This dimension is not available for YouTube video action campaigns.
Digital Content Label | Verification | Classification of content according to brand safety. The digital content labels are: DL-G (general audiences), DL-PG (parental guidance suggested), DL-T (teen or older audiences), and DL-MA (mature audiences only). |
Domain | Verification | The domain of the content classified by verification / brand safety. |
Sensitive Category | Verification |
Category of content according to brand safety. Learn more about sensitive categories.
Verification Video Position | Verification |
The average location of the video player in the browser when the video ran, as reported by Verification. This dimension is the average x,y coordinate of the top left corner of the video player at the start of the video. "
0,0 " is the top left of the browser's viewport, and would be highly visible. "1000,800 " would be close to the bottom right of the browser's viewport, depending on the screen resolution of the user viewing the ad, and is less likely to be as visible. |
Verification Video Player Size | Verification |
The resolution or size of the video player. "Small" means the dimensions of the video player is less than 400×300 (desktop), or up to 20% of screen covered (mobile). "Large" means the dimensions of the video player is 400 × 300 pixels or greater (desktop), or 20% to 90% of the screen covered (mobile). "HD" means the dimensions of the video player is 1280×720 or greater (desktop), or greater than 90% of the screen covered (mobile).
Floodlight Activity ID | DCM |
The ID of a Floodlight Activity.
Impression Counting Method | DCM |
The method used for counting impressions. Possible values include:
Data Source | DCM |
Additional information about the source of the reporting data, to help with troubleshooting. See the measurement source dimension for more information about specific values. Possible values with impressions and / or clicks include:
Possible values with floodlight impressions (representing the source of the floodlight call) include:
Try your keywords on Google Web Search. |