Create a Floodlight activity

Display & Video 360 now supports the Google tag for conversion measurement. We’re recommending that customers update their Floodlight activity implementation to use the Google tag in order to benefit from the latest features and integrations.

If you use Campaign Manager 360 to serve ads, Floodlight activities are managed in Campaign Manager 360's Floodlight settings. Campaign Manager 360 users can learn more about Floodlight activities in the Campaign Manager 360 Help Center.

A Floodlight activity is a snippet of HTML code that is used to track conversions, add users to remarketing lists, and pass information about sales transactions.

For each event you want to track: 

  • You’ll create a new Floodlight activity.
  • Display & Video 360 will create tag code that you’ll add to your site or app.

Tag format

Tag format Description Across Google products Available in apps Supports dynamic tags in Campaign Manager 360
Google tag

The Google tag can be implemented across Google advertising products. This helps make multi-product tag implementation less complex. It’s a JavaScript tag that’s placed on every page of your website. If you’re using Floodlight activities directly on your desktop or mobile site for conversion or remarketing events, we recommend using the Google tag. Learn more

Yes No Yes
Iframe tag Use iframe tags if you’re unable to adopt the Google tag. Iframe tags are only added to pages with events you’re tracking. No Yes Yes
Image tag Use image tags if you’re unable to adopt Google tags or iframe tags. Image tags are only added to pages with events you’re tracking. No Yes No

Type, counting method, and attribution

Counter activities 

Count the number of conversions associated with an event. For example, the number of times that users have visited a webpage after seeing or clicking on one of your ads. Counting methods include:

  • Standard: Counts every conversion.

  • Unique: Counts the first conversion for each unique user during each 24-hour day. 

  • Per session: Counts one conversion per user per session. You can define the length of a session for your site. 

Sales activities 

Track the number of sales made or items purchased. You can also capture the total value of each sale. Counting methods include:

  • Transactions: Counts all conversions, plus the total number of sales that take place and the total associated revenue.

  • Items sold: Counts each conversion, plus the total number of items sold and the total associated revenue.


Click to enable or disable attribution on the Floodlight activity. All attribution will stop for the activity if you do not enable this. 

Create web Floodlight activities

  1. Open an advertiser, then click Floodlight underneath Resources.
  2. Click New Floodlight Activity .
  3. Choose Web.
  4. Name your Floodlight activity.
  5. Select a Format, Type, and Counting Method
    1. For Google Tag Manager users, this setting determines what tag format will be sent to your container when pushing activities to Google Tag Manager. If you choose iframe or Google tag, Tag Manager will use an iframe tag. If you choose image, Tag Manager will use image tags.
  6. Select whether to enable the activity for attribution.
  7. (Optional) Select Remarketing to be able to use your Floodlight activity to automatically create and build an audience lists. ​
  8. (Optional) Select one or more Custom variables you’ve created to use with this Floodlight activity. Learn more
  9. Save and close.

Once you’ve saved, you can see a preview for the tag by clicking the Code tab from within the Floodlight activity.

Create mobile app Floodlight activities

  1. Start by opening an advertiser, then click Floodlight in the Resources menu.
  2. Click the New Floodlight Activity button.
  3. Choose Mobile app.
  4. Search for the app you want to track by platform (iOS or Android), then choose your app.
  5. Choose how to track your app: Firebase or third-party app analytics. Learn more about options for mobile app tracking.
  6. Enter the required information to link your Firebase account or third-party app analytics, and click Link.
  7. After successfully linking a Google Play or Firebase account, Floodlight activities (for each event) will auto-populate. They will display under Floodlight activities, and will be labeled with a Firebase or the third-party provider selected.

If you’ve successfully linked a Firebase account and don’t see auto-populated mobile app Floodlight activities, reach out to your Firebase account owners to verify that they’ve entered the app store ID in their Firebase project settings. This field is optional in Firebase but it’s required for app events to generate Floodlight activities.

Update the format for existing Floodlight activities

  1. Start by opening an advertiser, then click Floodlight Group in the Resources menu.
  2. Click on the name of an existing Floodlight activity.
  3. Update the Format option under Basic Details.
  4. Save.

You’ll to work with your web developer to remove the existing Floodlight activity from your website and replace it with the new one.

Export tags

Once you've created a Floodlight activity, and every time you edit an existing one, you’ll need to export tags and send them to your web developer to implement. Creating or editing the Floodlight activity does not update the corresponding tags on your website.

To export tags in bulk:

  1. Start by opening an advertiser, then click Floodlight in the Resources menu.
  2. Select the box next to the Floodlight activities you want to export tags for.
  3. Click Action and select Export to CSV.
  4. Your tags will download.

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