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Invoices and adjustments to your account


Costs (debits) and refunds (credits) appear on your billing invoice for each advertiser. Depending on the invoice level and invoice detail level settings in your billing profile, these adjustments may appear differently or with less detail. Learn more about billing profile settings.

Types of credits and adjustments

Here are some general categories of credits you may see on your invoice. This list isn't exhaustive, and may not appear on invoices exactly as written. 

  • Credit adjustment or memo:  A credit that was applied to your account. More specific information may be included on your invoice. In addition to the adjustment on the invoice itself, you may receive an additional credit memo document, with details about a reduction to the amount due from a specific invoice or payment account.  
  • Invalid traffic adjustment: An adjustment for invalid clicks and impressions – those generated by robots, automated clicking tools, and other deceptive software. This credit is good for future advertising only and can't be refunded to you. Also all Display & Video 360 exchange partners have agreed to provide refunds for traffic that was considered invalid by Google. This can be a onetime adjustment or for a given month, and may be broken out for a specific type of inventory, or fee.
  • Budget adjustment: An adjustment for when your account accrues more costs than your budget allows. This may be broken out for a specific type of inventory or fee. 

You may also want to learn more about invalid traffic refunds by exchanges.




2024 年隱私權完備性指南

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並掌握善用 AI 的機會。

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