Negotiate a deal in Display & Video 360

You can negotiate your deals with an inventory seller offline or you can use Display & Video 360 to negotiate with one or more sellers by sending a request for proposal (RFP).

When sellers initiate a negotiation through the Deal Sync API, you can import a deal for an advertiser and accept your deals using the deal ID or order/Marketplace ID to continue your workflow in Display & Video 360 from the partner or advertiser level.

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Permission and access

Before you begin, check that you have the permission and access you need.

  • You need access to either the partner or advertiser who owns the deal to view each negotiation detail, and must have the Admin, Standard, or Planner role.
  • You can import negotiations at the advertiser level with at least a standard role. You don’t require partner level access to import negotiations at the advertiser level.
    The following are requirements to be able to import a negotiation:
    • The deal need to be owned by the parent partner of the advertiser.
    • The exchange needs to sync the deal to Display & Video 360 using Deal sync. Learn more by seeing About synced deals.

For more information, learn more about Display & Video 360 user permission.

Start a new negotiation

You can send a request for proposal (RFP) to start a negotiation with one or more publishers from the partner or the advertiser level.

There are two ways you can start a new RFP under Inventory:

  • Go to Marketplace: If you want to browse available publishers to include in your RFP.
  • Go to Negotiations: If you know the publishers you want to negotiate with and want to begin entering details on an RFP.

To browse available publishers to include in your RFP in Marketplace:

  1. Navigate to the partner or advertiser level.
    Note: When you create and send an RFP at the advertiser level, you can only negotiate that deal within the specific advertiser.
  2. Go to Inventory > Marketplace.
  3. Explore publishers by selecting one of the following tabs:
    • Featured: Find featured publishers for TV, Display & Video, and Audio by selecting Publishers.
    • Display & Video: Find publishers for display and video inventory by using the Publishers filter.
    • TV: Find publishers for video or video on Connected TV inventory by using the Publishers filter.
    • Audio: Find publishers for audio inventory by using the Publishers filter.
    • Out of home: Find publishers for digital out of home inventory by using the Publishers filter.
  4. In the Publisher column, select one or more publishers to include in the RFP.
  5. Select Request proposal.

To enter details for an RFP:

  1. On the New request for proposal: Enter an RFP name and the CC emails you want to include in the negotiation.
    Note: Any emails included in the RFP have access to the details you’ve entered.
  2. For Sellers: If you chose publishers from Marketplace, this will be autofilled for you. You can also enter additional publishers not available in Marketplace.
    • Organization: Enter the seller name.
    • Email address: Enter the seller contact’s email.
      For Google Ad Manager: The RFP is sent directly to the publisher, no email address will be displayed. If you have an email address you'd like to enter, click Edit email address.
  3. Enter your Budget information.
  4. Select the Start date and enter an optional End date.
  5. (Optional) You can include the following information in your negotiation:
    • CPM
    • Inventory type
    • Format
    • Device type
    • Country
  6. Under Advertisers:
    • Enabling Make this negotiation available to all advertisers grants edit access to all advertisers.
    • If this is disabled, only partners and the select advertisers can edit the negotiation.
  7. For Additional RFP details and message to sellers: Add additional information you'd like to include with the RFP. You can customize this to each seller by clicking Customize for each seller.
  8. When you’re done, select Send.

After you complete your RFP, you can view existing negotiations in Inventory > Negotiations. The negotiation for each deal you make with a publisher though the same RFP appears under the same RFP ID.

Important: The publisher may further negotiate or comment on parts of your deal, which can include the CPM, timeframe, Ad units, or terms.

Once the publisher reviews the RFP, the negotiation status updates to "Action required”. You can choose to accept, propose changes, or review additional changes to the negotiation.

Import a negotiation for an advertiser

You can import negotiations at the advertiser level so that you can accept the deals in Display & Video 360. This allows you to continue your workflow in your account from the advertiser level:

  1. Go to Inventory > Negotiations.
  2. Select Import negotiation.
  3. Choose the exchange.
  4. Enter the deal ID or order ID/Marketplace ID. This ID is a unique identifier generated by the exchange or inventory seller. If you don’t know the deal ID or order ID/Marketplace ID, contact the seller.
    • Google Ad Manager: Google Ad Manager sellers use either a deal ID or Marketplace ID as unique identifiers for each deal proposal.
    • Third-party exchanges: Use either a deal ID or order ID as unique identifiers for each deal negotiation.
  5. Select Search. Contact the seller if:
    • your negotiation has already been imported by another advertiser or
    • you experience issues with your ID.
  6. Select Import.

After you import a negotiation into Display & Video 360, you can view existing negotiations in Inventory > Negotiations.

View existing negotiations

Once you successfully submit an RFP or import a negotiation into DV360, you can view the status of your negotiations:

  1. Go to Inventory > Negotiations.
  2. Negotiations will have one of the following states:
    • Action required: The negotiation has been reviewed by the seller and is ready for you to review and choose the next steps.
    • Archived: The negotiation has been archived at the partner or advertiser level.
    • Canceled: The negotiation has been canceled at the partner or advertiser level.
    • Completed: The negotiation has been accepted and completed. You can view accepted deals in My Inventory to begin assigning inventory to line items.
    • Expired: The negotiation has passed the end date entered on the RFP.
    • Incoming offer: An incoming negotiation has been initiated by the seller.
    • Sent to seller: The negotiation has been sent to the seller and is pending review.
    • Viewed by seller: The negotiation has been viewed by the seller and is pending a response.

You can select the filter on the top-right to:

  • Enter search queries, such as the client name
    • Or filter by name, deal ID or order ID/Marketplace ID or status.
Note: BidSwitch deals are automatically synced and appear in Negotiations for acceptance. Once accepted, they will appear in My Inventory and line item targeting.

Accepting a negotiated deal

If you’re satisfied with the proposed details of a deal, you can choose to accept the deal from the partner or advertiser level:

  1. Go to Inventory > Negotiations.
  2. Choose the negotiated deal you want to accept.
  3. Select Accept.

Once you accept a deal, go to My Inventory to view the updated deal where you can start assigning inventory to your line items.

Propose changes to an existing negotiation

Important: Changing a negotiation may require an additional review or a new deal may automatically generate depending on the seller.

If there are terms you’d want to change for an existing negotiation, you can propose changes through:

  • Marketplace or
  • Negotiations

To propose changes to an existing negotiation through Marketplace:

  1. Go to Inventory > Marketplace.
  2. Choose a publisher by selecting one of the following tabs:
    1. Featured: Find featured publishers for TV, Display & Video, and Audio by selecting Publishers.
    2. Display & Video: Find publishers for display and video inventory by using the Publishers filter.
    3. TV: Find publishers for video or video on Connected TV inventory by using the Publishers filter.
    4. Audio: Find publishers for audio inventory by using the Publishers filter.
    5. Out of home: Find publishers for digital out of home inventory by using the Publishers filter.
  3. Choose the publisher link to open the publisher details.
  4. Select Propose changes to propose your terms.

To propose changes to an existing negotiation through Negotiations:

  1. Go to Inventory > Negotiations.
  2. Choose the negotiation you want to propose changes to.
  3. Under the negotiation terms and settings panel:
    1. To change the Partner revenue model or Partner costs:
      • Select the settings icon on the top-right.
      • Enter your changes to the terms.
      • Choose Save.
    2. To propose changes to the details of the offer, or send a message to the seller without accepting the offer:
      • Edit any of the settings or terms of the offer.
      • Under Add CC: Enter your email address.
        Note: You must add at least one email address to accept the offer, propose changes, or send a message to the seller
      • (Optional) Enter a message to the seller.
      • Choose Send for review.
        Important: Any replies from the seller are sent to the account-level email and to the emails you add to CC. Emails, including the account-level email are visible to the publisher.

After you send a change request:

  • If the seller requires that you review the final details, go to Negotiations to review the updated details to Accept as is or continue to negotiate.

If the deal is automatically generated without requiring additional review, go to My Inventory to view the updated deal.

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