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Create an advertiser

Campaign Manager 360 users

If your advertiser already exists in Campaign Manager 360, see Link a Campaign Manager 360 advertiser to Display & Video 360.

Create an advertiser

Follow these steps to create a new advertiser in Display & Video 360.

 You must have admin access to a Display & Video 360 partner to create a new advertiser. 
  1. From the Advertisers tab of your Display & Video 360 partner, click Create advertiser.

  2. Enter the following basic details:

    1. Name of the advertiser.

    2. A full and valid website (for example: "https://www.example.com"). Enter a website owned by your business and not a page on a publisher site, like a YouTube channel, Facebook page, or app store page. 

    3. Select the advertiser currency. This can't be updated once you've saved the advertiser. 

  3. Click Edit to select a billing profile. Once you're done, select Apply. Note: Advertisers in France must select a billing profile that's compliant with the Sapin Law. For help, contact billing support.

  4. Click Edit to select ad server and attribution settings for the advertiser:

    1. Select the advertiser ad server

      1. If you use Campaign Manager 360, select "Campaign Manager 360 and third-party ad servers". Learn more

      2. If not, select "Third-party ad servers only".

    2. Click Edit to select the attribution settings for the advertiser. 

      1. Pick a Floodlight group for the advertiser. All advertisers in a Floodlight group share attribution settings and Floodlight activities. If you create a new Floodlight group, the advertiser will automatically be assigned to it. 

      2. Check the required authorization. 

      3. Select Apply

    3. (If you use Campaign Manager 360) Enter your Campaign Manager 360 site settings. You can create a new, linked site if you don't have one set up already, or you can enter the ID of your site(s). The placements in this site will be available as creatives in Display & Video 360. Learn more 

    4. (Optional if you use Campaign Manager 360) Select additional measurement settings for different types of data to appear in Campaign Manager 360 reporting.

    5. Select Apply.

  5. (Optional) Select any authorizations that are needed.

  6. Click Create.

The new advertiser will now appear in the list of advertisers in your partner.

After you've created a new advertiser, we strongly recommend navigating to the advertiser and reviewing the Settings and Resources sections for additional options to configure before you create your first campaign, including additional account linking and brand safety controls. Learn more

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