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Third-party custom bidding algorithms

Display & Video 360 helps you work with third-party custom bidding service providers by consolidating tasks such as contracting, billing, and account management within your account. 

You can work with third-party bidding service providers and their expertise to minimize the technical skills required to translate your business objectives into an effective bidding strategy. 

The following custom bidding service providers have partnered with Display & Video 360:

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Some examples of how third-party service providers can help you scale are by:

  • Customizing and optimizing your custom bidding algorithm to your specific business needs.
  • Providing expertise to develop or optimize your bidding strategy 
  • Providing general optimization support. 

You can learn more about how some partners and advertisers leverage third-party custom bidding algorithm services at Case Study: Charlotte Tilbury Beauty reduces CPA by 29% with custom bidding.

Important: Activating a contract with a third-party bidding service provider in Display & Video 360 incurs additional charges. If their services include general optimization, additional fees can also apply to the non-custom bidding line items you’re optimizing. Contact your service provider for details.

Activate third-party bidding contract

Once you initiate contact with a bidding service provider, you can review their terms and conditions which activate the bidding rate card within Display and Video 360. The bidding service provider sets the media fee rate for your account under partner cost for a line item. This rate will apply to the line items they’re servicing.

There are two types of bidding rates:

  • Standard rate: This is the standard rate for Display & Video 360 360 customers.
  • Negotiated rate: This is a custom rate that may vary depending on the partner agreement with the third-party service provider. 

Make sure to confirm the rate type and read the terms and conditions before activating the rate. Contact the vendor for additional details.

Note: The rate set at the advertiser level is used if a different rate is assigned at the partner and advertiser level.

To activate a contract’s bidding rate card:

  1. Go to Advertiser settings and then Basic details.
  2. Expand Additional settings.
  3. Under Third-party rate cards: Select the edit icon.
  4. Read and acknowledge the terms & conditions.
  5. Select Apply.

To view the third-party cost for a line item:

  1. From the advertiser level, go to Campaign and then Line items.
  2. Select a line item.
  3. Choose the Line item details tab.
  4. Expand Additional settings
  5. Under Partner costs: You can view media fees set by your third-party bidding service provider.

After your partner costs are set, work with your bidding service provider to set up your account for their services.

Terminate a third-party bidding contract

Contact your third-party service provider to terminate your third-party bidding contract and work with them to make sure fees are terminated from your campaigns. You can also contact Google support to provide a termination notification so that the third-party bidding media fees are removed from your campaign.

Troubleshoot and optimize third-party bidding algorithms

Once you've an activated contract, you can contact your custom bidding service provider to:

  • Optimize your custom bidding algorithm: You can work with your custom bidding service provider to make adjustments and keep your custom bidding algorithm optimized to your business needs.
  • Troubleshoot algorithm issues: If you are having any issues with your algorithms, your custom bidding service provider can help you to troubleshoot the problem and get your algorithms working properly.


Make sure to include all media fees when creating a report for costs related to third-party services. Additionally, you can generate a cost transparency report to break down media costs for each seller to validate the invoice from your third-party bidding service provider. Learn more about how to run a cost transparency report.

Tip: You can search "fees" under Metrics to help find the specific fee for your specific third-party bidding service provider.

Learn more about Dimensions in reports.


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