Mobile campaigns

Mobile app conversion tracking with third-party tools

Link your apps with third-party app attribution tools to track conversions in mobile apps, such as installs and in-app actions. You can view reports about your conversions from your third-party service, or directly from Campaign Manager 360 and Display & Video 360.

This article will guide you on configuring an App Attribution Partner, such as Adjust, Appsflyer, Branch, Kochava, or Singular. View the legacy third-party conversion tracking article for other services in Campaign Manager 360.

Add an app attribution partner link

Instructions for Campaign Manager 360

From Advertiser > Floodlight > Configuration > App Attribution, you can view existing links or add a new link.

Create a new link:

  1. Click Link app analytics developer.
  2. Click the All dropdown to select the platform type and search for the app.
  3. Click the Select partner dropdown to select the app analytics partner.
  4. Click Save.

Reuse an existing link:

  1. Click Reuse app analytics developer link.
  2. Under the “Link ID” header, enter an existing link ID.
  3. Click Save.

Instructions for Display & Video 360

If you set up your links in Campaign Manager 360, you don't need to complete this section.

From Advertiser > Resources > Floodlight Group > Basic Details, click edit Editnext to App attribution to view existing links or add a new link.

Create a new link:

  1. Click Add app attribution partner link.
  2. Select the Create new link option.
  3. Click the All platforms dropdown to select the platform type and search for the app.
  4. Click the Select tracking SDK dropdown to select the app analytics partner.
  5. Click Add.
  6. On the App attribution page, click Done.
  7. On the Floodlight Group page, click Save.

Reuse an existing link:

  1. Click Add app attribution partner link.
  2. Select the Reuse existing link option.
  3. Enter an existing link ID.
  4. Click Add.
  5. On the App attribution page, click Done.
  6. On the Floodlight Group page, click Save.

Third-party linking for unpublished apps

Third-party linking supports adding links to unpublished apps. This is configured by the app selector in Campaign Manager 360 and Display & Video 360.

When setting up third-party linking, you can select either published or unpublished apps.

  • Published apps are available in the app store.
  • Unpublished apps are not yet available in the app store.
Note: You will need to manually input the app ID for an unpublished application. The app link will be set up based on the app ID.

Floodlight activities

The following Floodlight activities will be automatically generated with each app attribution link:

  • add_to_cart
  • ecommerce_purchase
  • first_open
  • in_app_purchase
  • session_start
  • view_item
  • view_item_list
  • view_search_results
  • Custom

Adjust, Appsflyer, Branch, and Kochava support up to 10 custom Floodlight activities currently. Refer to your App Attribution Partner’s documentation to configure custom events using custom Floodlight variables. Learn more about custom Floodlight variables

Link to a third-party service

You can use link IDs to link third-party services with Floodlight activities. Refer to your App Attribution Partner’s documentation to complete this process.


  • In Display & Video 360, you can’t immediately use new Floodlight activities for remarketing list creation and assignment to Line Items. This delay can take up to a day.
  • To add an app attribution link, the app must be hosted in Google Play or Apple iTunes.
  • If you have enabled enhanced attribution, we will use click IDs from conversions for attribution.
  • If you add more than 10 links, you will trigger an alert informing you that you have reached the maximum number of app analytics developers. In this case, you will need to create a new Advertiser of Floodlight Configuration.

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