Coming soon: February 15 edition

See what's coming to Display & Video 360 over the next few weeks

Open Measurement enabled (OMID) inventory will be targeted by default for more measurable, higher quality inventory

Starting the week of April 19, Open Measurement enabled (OMID) mobile display inventory will be targeted by default by Display & Video 360. An Open Measurement setting will be available as part of viewability targeting at the advertiser and line item level. If the advertiser level setting is on, all line items in that advertiser will target Open Measurement enabled inventory. If the advertiser level setting is off, you can control Open Measurement targeting per line item.

Beginning the week of March 22, you can review your settings for Open Measurement targeting at the advertiser and line item item levels. You’ll see notices in the Campaigns tab as a reminder.

Any updates made to your Open Measurement targeting will start to take effect the week of April 19.

New Creative status tab coming soon

A new tab will soon be added to all creatives called "Creative status." The “Audit information” section will be renamed to “Display & Video 360 review” and will move from the “Creative details” tab to the new “Creative status” tab. The new tab gives you one place to find all relevant information related to a creative's status, including proactive information to help you understand platform and exchange reviews, campaign and line item eligibility, and any restrictions.

Story insertion orders will soon support audio

You’ll soon be able to include audio line items in your story insertion order, giving you an additional media type to use to show a sequence of creative messages to your audience.

Download the Combined tab into a .csv file

You’ll soon see a download button in the Combined tab of your campaigns that will download a .csv file of your current view of your campaign, including custom columns. Use this download to share, review, and analyze data offline from your campaign.

N+ frequency coming soon to Unique Reach reports

N+ frequency, a dimension that determines how many people observed a given ad N+ times, is coming soon to reporting. You’ll see a new “Reach by frequency” metric selection section in Unique Reach reports, allowing up to four metric selections:

  • Unique Reach: Impression Reach
  • Unique Reach: Click Reach
  • Unique Reach: Total Reach
  • Unique Reach: Viewable Impression Reach

Tooltips for metric and dimension definitions coming soon to reporting

The report builders in offline reporting will soon include tooltips with the definitions for metrics and dimensions. Use these tooltips to help understand the meaning and calculation of metrics and dimensions as you build your reports.

Simplified attribution model selection coming soon to offline reports

Offline reporting currently shows the system model in the attribution model selection under each Floodlight configuration, even though it’s the same model across all Floodlight configurations. To reduce this duplication, the system model will soon move to its own section of the attribution model dropdown. For Display & Video 360, there will also be a new biddable conversion model added to the dropdown that respects the assignment of Floodlight activities to line items and attribution model selections at the line item level.

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