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About CSS Insights

CSS Insights LogoNote: CSS Insights is only available in English.


Make informed decisions and hone in on ads opportunities with the CSS Insights tool. CSS Insights surfaces Google Ads data and opportunities to Comparison Shopping Services (CSSs) similar to the way CSS Center surfaces Merchant Center data and opportunities.

The tool primarily focuses on Google Ads, but also includes a Shopping optimization score that is based on Merchant Center data and located in the Google Ads “Opportunity” tab.


In CSS program countries, merchants participate in Shopping ads through one or several CSSs of their choice. You need to be an active CSS to access CSS Insights.

How it works

CSS Insights provides an aggregated view of opportunities (keywords and targeting, bidding and budgets, repairs, auto campaigns, and ads and extensions) for the Google Ads accounts you manage. This allows you to identify and prioritize opportunities.

Access CSS Insights

You can access CSS Insights by visiting You must be added as a user before you can access the tool.

This tool is exclusively designed for CSSs and is not available to merchants. The owner in your CSS (who acts as an admin) for the CSS Insights account can add additional users to the tool. If you don’t have access or are unsure which email address has access, fill out the CSS Insights access request form to request access. You will receive owner access and will be able to provide access to other users in your CSS.


In order to access the CSS Insights tool:

  1. You must sign up for Google’s CSS program.
  2. You must be an owner, reader, or writer for the CSS Insights account.

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