Enrolling with Ariba

Enrollment process overview

Alphabet/Google requires all standard suppliers to enroll using Ariba, unless they fall under the exception cases. Your Google point of contact will initiate your enrollment request in the appropriate tool for you by determining if your use case falls into the standard or exception process.

Before starting your Ariba enrollment, you must provide the below details to your Google Point of Contact (POC) who is responsible for initiating your supplier registration in Ariba.

  • Supplier Name (Company Name)
  • Supplier Business Location (Country of the Supplier)
  • Google entity the supplier works with (Google Operating Unit)
  • Supplier Contact - First Name
  • Supplier Contact - Last Name
  • Supplier Email Address (email that will receive the Ariba invite and complete the Google supplier registration in Ariba)
  1. To begin the enrollment process please proceed to your inbox and look for the Ariba email invitation from no-reply@ansmtp.ariba
    While the Ariba update request with Alphabet/Google is on-going, we recommend to use filters/labels and add no-reply@ansmtp.ariba & p2phelp@google.com to easier access emails from Alphabet/Google as we will communicate with you through these aliases.

    ATTENTION: How to find the enrollment invitation?

    1. The Ariba invitation email will be sent to the email address your Alphabet/Google Point of Contact provided
    2. The Ariba invitation email will be sent by email account Ariba Administrator
    3. The Ariba invitation email subject will be: Action Required for <Your Email address > : Register <Your Company Name> with Alphabet/Google Payments
    4. PLEASE NOTE: This email invitation from no-reply@ansmtp.ariba.com can be routed to the SPAM INBOX. Kindly check your spam folder in case you have not yet received the email invitation
    5. Your IT department may also filter this email invitation. Please contact your IT if so

    If no invitation is received within 3 business days, please notify your Alphabet/Google point of contact and reach out to us using the Contact Us button below.

    Sample of the Ariba invitation email


  2. Follow the three steps below to complete your enrollment process:
    • Register an Ariba Account - view tutorial here.
    • Complete the Registration Questionnaire - view tutorial here.
    • Complete the Tax Questionnaire - view tutorial here


  1. To prevent delays with your enrollment and payment, please Register an Ariba account and submit BOTH the REGISTRATION and TAX Questionnaires within 5 business days.
  2. For email support, please reach out to us using the Contact Us button below and attach screenshots of any issues you see as this will expedite our investigation.
  3. For call support, please reach out to your Point of Contact at Alphabet/Google to schedule an Office Hour with you and the Alphabet/Google Operations team directly as they have the access to book time slots using our internal calendar.

IMPORTANT: Please disable your ADBLOCKER to see the questionnaires. You won't be able to view the questionnaires if your AdBlocker is up.

Enterprise or Standard?

All Alphabet/Google suppliers have the choice to do business with Alphabet/Google using one of two Ariba account types: Standard and Enterprise. Suppliers are NOT required to register to a particular type of account, however in some cases, Alphabet/Google is recommending that some suppliers choose to transact on the Ariba Network with Alphabet/Google using a fee-based Enterprise account due to their historical volume of transactions. See here for more information on Enterprise vs Standard accounts.

Steps to enroll with Ariba

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Step 1: Registering an Ariba Network Account
Step 1 How to Register an Ariba Network Account


Individual/Sole Proprietorship/Single Member LLC who are enrolling as a supplier with Alphabet/Google should not follow this guide. Please reach out to your Alphabet/Google point of contact for an invitation to enroll with Embark.
  1. Click the registration invitation link
    The registration link expires after 60 days if you have not yet registered an Ariba Network account.
  2. Click the Sign Up button to create a profile 
    Note: Creating the Ariba account does not mean the enrollment is complete. The mandatory fields you are filling out when creating an Ariba account are not the Alphabet/Google questionnaires required to complete the enrollment. The enrollment questionnaires will show up after you create the account.

    If you already have an Ariba account, click on login then this will connect your account with the Alphabet/Google Questionnaires. Proceed to Filling out the Registration and Tax Questionnaire.

  3. The Ariba Proposals & Questionnaires screen is displayed. Complete all mandatory fields
    1. Company Information
    2. User Account Information - Enter your username and password.
      Note that you may use your email as your username. For this, select the Use my email as my username check box.
    3. Business-related information in the Product and Service Categories and Ship-to or Service Locations fields. For this, you can click the Add or Browse buttons.
      In this example, click the Browse button in the Product and Service Categories field
      If you know the exact entries for these fields, you can populate the Product and Service Categories and Ship-to or Service Locations fields and click the Add button.
    4. The Product and Service Category Selection screen is displayed. Here, you can select the relevant category from the first block that leads you to the next slide
    5. As you narrow down your search, each selection leads to another list of options. You can select the required options from each list as they appear. Finally, click the Add icon to select the relevant item from the fourth list. In this example, click the Add icon against Card cages
    6. The selected item(s) shows under the My Selections section. You can remove this selection by using the Remove button or click the OK button to confirm
    7. The selected category is displayed in the Product and Service Categories field. Similarly, select a relevant entry in the Ship-to or Service Locations field.
  4. Review the Terms of Use and Ariba Privacy Statement hyperlinks and select the corresponding check boxes

 Data Required in Account Creation:

  • Company name - As per your certificate of incorporation
  • Country - Where company is registered
  • Address - Street Address
  • City - As per your certificate of incorporation
  • State - As per your certificate of incorporation, choose from dropdown
  • Postal Code - (Zip)
  • Username & Password - Credentials for your Ariba Account
  • Products & Service Categories - A list of company products and services will be provided for you to select on
  • Ship To Service Locations - A list of locations will be provided for you to select depending on where you deliver your products or services.
  • Email orders to - This can be a group email, if you wish your Purchase Orders are sent to multiple accounts. However you can change this in Ariba settings later.
  • SAP Terms of use & Privacy Statements - Checking this box means that you agree to the terms with SAP (This is not Google’s terms & conditions. Google’s Terms & conditions is located at the next part of your enrollment which is the Questionnaires)

ATTENTION If you ever come across issues such as duplicate accounts please see the resolution below.

You may click on the CONTINUE with ACCOUNT CREATION button if you are not aware of the other Ariba Accounts related to your company. If this button is not available you would have to remove the DUNS Number & TAX ID/VAT ID first then this option will be available for you to proceed.

For other issues with account creation, you have three options to request for guidance:

  1. Reach out to Alphabet/Google using the Contact Us button below and include screenshots showing the issue
  2. You can notify your Alphabet/Google point of contact to book a time slot for you at the Alphabet/Google enrollment office hours
  3. Contact Ariba Support since Account creation is a SAP Owned Process. This means that technical issues encountered at this part of the process can often be resolved by a call with SAP. Steps to contact Ariba support below:
    1. Open another tab
    2. Log in or go to at proposals.seller.ariba.com
    3. On the top right look for the question mark icon (HELP) and click Help center
    4. In the newly opened window, click the Contact Us tab.
    5. You can choose either Register on Ariba Network, Reset my Password, Forgot Username, or Unsubscribe
    6. These categories will give options as Something else or I am experiencing a different issue
    7. Regardless of the options, choose the Create a Case button that will pop up at the bottom right
    8. Please fill out the required fields and Please fill out the issue Google LLC questionnaires are missing
    9. Wait for Ariba Support representative to call you on the number you provided to them
You’re almost done!
You have now registered an Ariba Network account! Next, you need to Fill out and submit the Google LLC Registration Questionnaire to enroll your registered Ariba account with Alphabet/Google. (see next section)
Step 2: Filling out the Registration Questionnaire
Step 2 Filling Out the Google Registration Questionnaire

REMINDER: Please disable your ADBLOCKER to see the questionnaires.
You won't be able to view the questionnaires if your AdBlocker is up.

Note: The REQUIRED information you need to fill out for this questionnaire can be found by CLICKING HERE then choosing your country.

Note: The registration questionnaire is where you need to add your banking information that will be used by Google to complete your payment.


  1. Make sure Ariba Proposals & Questionnaires is selected from the drop down
  2. Then select Registration Questionnaire (Form 1 of 2) to fill the first form
  3. Enter required Primary Contact Information 
    The email recipient that will receive POs from Google is very important.

    Why? This email will be used to establish the initial trading relationship with Alphabet/Google. After the trading relationship, you can configure where other POs should be routed within your company in the Ariba Network
  4. Add Payment Site Locations to your account
    1. First click the Add Site Details link to add your first site
      Tip: The number in the parentheses (0) represents the number of sites your company has. At least one site is required.
    2. After clicking the Add Site Details link, you will be redirected to a new screen where you can enter your site information
    3. Check if the site # on the dropdown matches the site number on the left
    4. Fill out Site Information
  5. Enter required banking information
    ATTENTION: Bank Key & Account number may be required for your country. Please see our country specific bank guidance to avoid PAYMENT REJECTIONS & back and forth emails with us.
  6. Enter required Payment Authorization Contact Information
    Entering details for a Payment Authorization Contact is required. Alphabet/Google will reach out to this contact to verify important Payment Information if needed.
    You must have 2 unique emails between the Primary Supplier Contact, Payment Authorization Contact and Payment Remittance emails in the Registration Questionnaire OR an exception noted for why 2 unique emails are not available.
    Adding 2 unique contacts helps build resiliency in our fraud prevention processes and will be used for validating sensitive changes to your profile.

    It is also required to list your point of contact at Alphabet/Google. This email must end in @google.com, @wing.com etc.
    1. After completing information for one site. If you wish to add additional sites, click the Add an additional Site button.
  7. Click Save button to save the site details
  8. After reading REMINDER, select "I have read and understand how to submit both forms". Once all information is entered correctly, click on Submit Entire Response to submit the registration questionnaire. You will now be required to complete and submit the Tax Questionnaire.


ATTENTION: When submitting your response, any incorrect information will be flagged and instructions to correctly complete the field will become visible. Use the Next and Previous buttons to go through these.

After submitting the form, the form’s status will be updated from In Registration to Pending Approval in Ariba’s main page.

ATTENTION: Please note that the Alphabet/Google team may reach out to you for additional information 2-3 days after you submit your registration questionnaire and if we don’t hear back from you, we will archive the pending enrollment/update. Please be on the lookout as we will reach out to you from either p2phelp@google.com or from no-reply@ansmtp.ariba.

If you don't hear back from the Ariba Alphabet/Google Team after 5 Business days of submitting the forms, please contact your Google POC or send an email to us using the Contact Us button below to confirm the status of your enrollment.

After submitting the Registration Questionnaire please fill out and submit the tax questionnaire as well. 

Step 3: Completing the Tax Questionnaire
Step 3 Completing the Google Tax Questionnaire

Note: The REQUIRED information you need to fill out for this questionnaire can be found by CLICKING HERE then choosing your country.


Fill out and submit the Tax Questionnaire to complete tax information for your supplier account.

Why is accurate Tax information important?

Suppliers will need to submit tax information for your tax jurisdiction as well as the countries/regions being provided goods & services. Missing tax information can impact and delay payments from Alphabet/Google.
  1. Click on Tax Questionnaire In Ariba’s Proposals and Questionnaires page proposals.seller.ariba.com
  2. Fill out the required fields 
    Make sure the company name on the Certificate of Incorporation is the same as on ‘1.10 Legal name as shown in your Tax Certificate’ in this questionnaire.
  3. Submit Tax Information for all regions you are providing Goods/Services to
    Field 17 Tax Information is dynamic. Additional fields will appear depending on the regions you select and the tax requirements for each jurisdiction. 
  4. Fill out Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA) Fields
    Key Call Outs:
    VAT ID and Invoices: EMEA suppliers are required to maintain their VAT ID in their Ariba Network
    profile to auto populate into invoices to Alphabet/Google.
  5. Add Tax Identification or Registration Number. You will be redirected to a new screen to enter the TIN or applicable EMEA VAT Registration Number.
  6. Click the icon below to add VAT/Tax details (if required for your country)
  7. Dropdown will appear
    VAT ID Format Samples:
    • In Finland: FI99999999
    • In Belgium: BE0999999911
    • In Denmark: DK99999999
    • In Ireland: IE1234567T or IE1234567TW
    • In the Netherlands: NL999999999B01
  8. Click on at the top right corner of the page to add the VAT number
  9. Submit your entire registration questionnaire
    1. After reading REMINDER, select "I have read and understand how to submit both forms". Once all information is entered correctly, click on Submit Entire Response to submit the tax questionnaire

ATTENTION: Please note that the Alphabet/Google team may reach out to you for additional information 2-3 days after you submit your registration questionnaire and if we don’t hear back from you, we will archive the pending enrollment/update. Please be on the lookout as we will reach out to you from either p2phelp@google.com or from no-reply@ansmtp.ariba.

If you don't hear back from the Ariba Alphabet/Google Team after 5 Business days of submitting the forms, please contact your Google POC or send an email to us using the Contact Us button below to confirm the status of your enrollment.

What to expect after submitting the New Enrollment questionnaires?


  1. Submitting the questionnaires does not mean the process is complete
    Kindly be on the lookout for emails from the Alphabet/Google team, 2-3 days after the registration and tax questionnaires are submitted. This is because the Alphabet/Google team may reach out for additional information coming from p2phelp@google.com or
    no-reply@ansmtp.ariba regarding the items below:
    1. If the questionnaires contain invalid data, the Alphabet/Google team will request you to revise your response
    2. FOR TRANSACTIONS WITH ANY OF GOOGLE’S US ENTITIES, you will be contacted to provide additional US-specific tax information. Please submit the requested U.S Tax information within 3 business days of receipt to prevent delays in enrollment. To learn more about Google's US Withholding and Reporting obligations, and the documentation required, please visit this page.
  2. If there are no issues, you will receive an email notification confirming the completion and that your registration is fully approved
  3. Once fully approved, please notify your Alphabet/Google POC to execute contracts and/or raise Purchase Orders to your company. Purchase Orders will be sent to you via the Ariba system
  4. Once a PO has been raised to you, please refer to this link for guidance on how to get ENABLED to transact/submit invoices using the Ariba Network

Cancellation Policy

  1. Please cancel your enrollment if it has been decided you no longer plan to transact with Google/Alphabet. Reach out to us using the Contact Us button below.
  2. In the event of being unresponsive for 11 days, we will assume that you will no longer want to continue and automatically cancel this enrollment request. You will need to reach out to your Google point of contact to resume the process or email Google/Alphabet using the Contact Us button below.

Additional Support

Help with completing enrollment questionnaires

  1. For an email support, please reach out to Alphabet/Google using the Contact Us button below and attach screenshots of any issues you see as this will expedite our investigation.
  2. For a call support, please reach out to your Point of Contact at Alphabet/Google to schedule an Office Hour with you and the Alphabet/Google Operations team directly
  3. Check our Supplier Enrollment FAQs page to find a list of commonly asked questions and answers


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