Ukurasa ulioomba haupatikani kwa lugha yako wakati huu. Unaweza kuchagua lugha tofauti katika sehemu ya chini ya ukurasa au kutafsiri papo hapo ukurasa wowote wa wavuti kwa lugha unayopendelea, ukitumia kipengele cha kutafsiri kilichojumuishwa kwenye Google Chrome.

Download a file

To save a file or image on your computer or device, download it. The file will be saved in your default download location.

Computer AndroidiPhone & iPad
  1. On your computer, open Chrome.
  2. Go to the site where you want to download the file.
  3. Save the file:
    • Most files: Click the download link. You can also right-click on the file and choose Save as.
    • Images: Right-click on the image and choose Save Image As.
    • Videos: Point to the video. Click Download . If you can't do this action, the video's owner or hosting site has prevented downloads.
    • PDFs: Right-click on the file and choose Save Link As.
      • When you use the Chrome PDF viewer to access PDFs, scanned PDFs of physical documents are automatically converted to be searchable and selectable. When a PDF is identified as a scanned document, OCR (Optical Character Recognition) conversion happens automatically. After the conversion, you can highlight, search, copy, paste, and find text within the document.
    • Web pages: At the top right, click More More and then More Tools and then Save Page As.
  4. If asked, choose where you want to save the file, then click Save.
    • Executable files (.exe, .dll, .bat): If you trust the file, click Save. If you're not sure about the contents of the download, click Discard.
  5. When you begin a download, a Download in progress icon appears on the top right next to the address bar. Once the download completes, the Download tray opens.
  6. To open your file, click Open new .
    • You can also click the file to open it.
  • To show extra actions like Show in Folder , point to the filename.
  • If you download a file, or if you’ve recently downloaded a file, the Download tray will appear. Recently downloaded files will appear to the right of the address bar.
  • To view all downloads if the Download tray isn't present to the right of the address bar, click More and then Downloads.
  • You can drag a downloaded file to another folder, program, or website. To move a downloaded file, in the Download tray , click the file and drag it to the target location.
  • If the scanned PDF has several pages, OCR conversion might take some time. When the PDF loads, you get the notification “Extracting text from PDF…”

Learn how to fix file download errors.

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