Reply to a message

To reply to a message in Google Chat, you can:

  • Reply in the conversation.
  • Reply inline to a message in a space.
  • Quote a message in your reply.
  • Use a reply suggestion.

Respond to a message

  1. On your computer, open Google Chat or Gmail.
    • In Gmail: On the left, click Chat.
  1. Open a conversation.
  2. In the reply area, enter your message.
  3. Click Send .

Reply in a thread

Important: You can reply in a thread in a space with inline threading. Learn about spaces with inline threading.

  1. On your computer, open Google Chat or Gmail.
    • In Gmail: On the left, click Chat.
  1. Open a space.
  2. Point to the message.
  3. Click Reply in thread .
  4. In the thread panel, enter your message.
  5. Click Send .


  • To open a thread with replies, click the reply counter at the bottom of the threaded message.
  • To find all threads in a space, at the top right, click Active threads .

Quote a message in your reply

Important: When you quote a message, the quoted content displays the original message. If the original message is deleted or edited, the quoted content isn’t updated in your reply.

  1. On your computer, open Google Chat or Gmail.
    • In Gmail: On the left, click Chat.
  1. Open a conversation.
  2. Point to the message.
  3. From the available message actions, click Quote in reply .
  4. Enter your message.
  5. Click Send .

Get suggestions for quick replies

To respond to messages quickly, turn on Smart Reply. When Smart Reply is on, you can find suggestions above the reply area in Chat.

Turn on Smart Reply in Chat

  1. On your computer, open Google Chat.
  2. At the top right, click Settings .
  3. Under “Smart Reply,” click the box.

Turn on Smart Reply in Gmail

  1. On your computer, open Gmail.
  2. At the top right, click Settings and then See all settings.
  3. At the top, click Chat and Meet and then Manage chat settings.
  4. Under “Smart Reply,” click the box.


  • To reply, select a suggestion below the message. You can edit the suggestion before you reply.
  • Before you can turn on Smart Reply, enable smart features and personalization in Gmail. Learn more about smart features & controls.

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