Manage your events from Gmail

If you use Gmail, emails about events like flights or restaurant reservations are added to Google Calendar automatically. When you open an event from Gmail on your calendar, you can find details like the location, confirmation number, and a link to the email the event was created from.

If you don't want events from Gmail on your calendar, you can delete a single event, or update your settings so that events aren't added.

Learn how events from Gmail work

  • You get events from Gmail in Google Calendar for:
    • Flights, trains, and bus reservations.
    • Hotel and restaurant reservations.
    • Events for which you received registration confirmations or tickets, like movies, concerts, or medical events.
  • Events from Gmail stay up-to-date on your calendar. For example, if you get an email confirmation that you changed the time of a dinner reservation, the event time updates too. Any changes you make are only visible on your calendar.
  • Event notifications are based on your default notification settings in Calendar.
  • By default, only you can find events added from Gmail, even if you've shared your calendar with others. You can change the visibility of events from Gmail.


  • If you sync Calendar with another calendar program, you still get events from Gmail on your synced calendar, but some event details don’t show.
  • If you turn on personal results for devices that use Google Assistant, you can get a “Time to leave” notification for flights. Learn how to turn on personal results.

Allow events from Gmail on your calendar


  • If you're in the European Economic Area, Switzerland, the UK, or Japan, smart features and personalization settings in Gmail are off by default.
  • For all other countries, events from Gmail are on. If you don’t get events from Gmail, check your settings in Gmail and Calendar.

An animation that shows how to allow Calendar to create events based on information from Gmail. In the Gmail app, the user goes to Settings, taps "Data privacy," and turns on "Smart features and personalization." Then, in the Calendar app, they go to Settings, tap "Events from Gmail," and turn on "Show events from Gmail."

Step 1: Turn on smart features and personalization in Gmail

  1. On your iPhone or iPad, open the Gmail app .
  2. At the top left, tap Menu Menu and then Settings.
  3. Under “General,” tap Data privacy.
  4. Turn on Smart features and personalization.

Step 2: Turn on events from Gmail in Calendar

  1. On your iPhone or iPad, open the Calendar app  Calendar.
  2. At the top left, tap Menu Menu and then Settings and then Events from Gmail.
  3. Turn on Show events from Gmail.

Delete an event from Gmail

  1. On your iPhone or iPad, open the Calendar app Calendar .
  2. Open the event from Gmail.
  3. At the top right, tap More options More and then Delete and then Remove event.

Hide all events from Gmail

  1. On your iPhone or iPad, open the Calendar app Calendar .
  2. At the top left, tap Menu Menu and then Settings and then Events from Gmail.
  3. Turn off Show events from Gmail.

Turn off events from Gmail

  1. On your iPhone or iPad, open the Gmail app .
  2. At the top left, tap Menu Menu and then Settings.
  3. Under “General,” tap Data privacy.
  4. Turn off Smart features and personalization.

Learn about restrictions for events from Gmail

  • Events don’t show up on your calendar if the email is:
    • Sent to a mailing list
    • Sent to you by cc
    • Redirected from another email account
    • Not a confirmation email about a flight, hotel, restaurant, or ticketed event
  • Events from Gmail aren't available for:
    • Government accounts
    • Google Accounts with data location restrictions
    • Google Accounts that don't have Gmail

Report problems with events from Gmail

If there’s a problem with an event from Gmail, you can report it.

You can send us feedback about events from Gmail when:

  • A supported event type isn’t added to your calendar.
  • The event has incorrect or missing information.
  • The event doesn't belong to you.
    • To find out which email the event came from, open the event.
      • In the Calendar app: Select View Source Email.
      • In Calendar on your browser: Select Open URL.

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