Create a new calendar

To keep track of different types of events, you can create new calendars. For example, to track upcoming practices and games, create a calendar called "Football."

Set up a new calendar

Important: You can only create new calendars from a browser. After you create a calendar, you can find it on your browser and in the Calendar app.

  1. On your computer, open Google Calendar.
  2. On the left, next to "Other calendars," click Add other calendars Plus and then Create new calendar.
  3. Add a name and description for your calendar.
  4. Click Create calendar.
Tip: After you create and share a calendar, you can schedule events for that calendar. Learn how to create an event in a shared calendar.

Create a new calendar

Find the calendars you've created

  1. On your computer, open Google Calendar.
  2. On the left side of the page, under "My calendars," find your calendar.
  3. To show or hide that calendar's events, click the calendar's name.
  4. To remove a calendar from your list, next to the calendar's name, click Options More and then Hide from list.

Edit your calendar's name

  1. On your computer, open Google Calendar.
  2. On the left side of the page, under "My calendars," find your calendar.
  3. Next to your calendar, click Options More and then Settings and sharing.
  4. In the "Name" box at the top, enter a new name.

Change your calendar's color

  1. On your computer, open Google Calendar.
  2. On the left side of the page, under "My calendars," find your calendar.
  3. Next to your calendar, click Options More
  4. Pick the color for your calendar or click Add custom color Plus.

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