When you list your service area, it lets customers know the geographic area where you can provide your products and services.
Important: If you don't serve customers at your business address, do not enter an address under the 'Info' tab in Business Profile Manager. Leave the 'business location' field blank.
To use a service area, your business must be one of the following business types:
- Service Area Business: A business that visits or delivers to customers directly but doesn’t serve customers at their business address.
- For example, businesses like cleaning services or plumbers.
- Service Area Businesses can only create one profile for the metropolitan area that they serve.
- Businesses associated with products or services that require the customer to be a certain minimum age, like alcohol, cannabis or weapons, aren’t permitted as Service Area Businesses without a shop front.
- Hybrid business: A business that serves customers at their business address but also directly visits or delivers to customers. If your business doesn’t have permanent on-site signage, it's not eligible as a shop front and should be listed as a Service Area Business.
- For example, a dine-in restaurant that also delivers food.
- Hybrid businesses can show their shop front address, set their hours for when they're staffed at that address and designate a service area.
Reach more customers for your service-area business
To expand your digital presence, you can run an ad with Local Services. Local Services Ads help you advertise your business on Google and receive leads directly from potential customers. You can receive these leads through phone calls or messages in response to your ad. Learn more about Local Services Ads.
How it works
You can’t set your service area as a distance around your business. If you previously set up your service area in this way, you can’t edit it. Instead, you must specify your service -area by city, postal code or another type of area.
Bear in mind:
- You can have up to 20 service areas.
- The boundaries of your overall area should not extend farther than about two hours of driving time from where your business is based.
If you change your business type from a shopfront to a service area business or hybrid business, keep in mind:
- If you do serve customers at your business address and also have a service area: Enter both your address and service area.
- If you don't serve customers at your business address: Clear the address field and only enter your service area.
Manage service areas for your business
- Go to your Business Profile. Learn how to find your profile.
- To manage your service area:
- With Google Search, select Edit profile
- With Google Maps, select Edit profile
Business information
- With Google Search, select Edit profile
- Under 'location and areas', next to 'Service area', select the pencil icon
- Select suggested service areas or enter a service area.
- You can set up to 20 service areas based on the cities, postcodes or other areas that you serve.
- Select Save.
- Go to your Business Profile. Learn how to find your profile.
- To remove your service area:
- With Google Search, select Edit profile
- With Google Maps, select Edit profile
Business information
- With Google Search, select Edit profile
- Under 'location and areas', next to 'Service area', select the pencil icon
- Under 'Selected service areas', remove the location(s) that your business doesn't service.
- Select Save.
Tip: To remove all your service areas, you must be a shopfront business with your business address entered in your Business Profile. Learn how to add or edit your business address for your profile.