How to set special hours

When your hours of operation change for a brief period of time, like for a special event, you can set special hours so that your regular hours don't change.

Manage your business

How it works

You can set special hours if your business temporarily adjusts its hours of operation or remains closed for up to six days in a row.

When necessary, you can schedule special opening hours for:

  • Holidays
  • Special events
  • Other exceptional circumstances

It's a good idea to confirm your hours for official holidays, even if they’re the same as your regular hours. This makes it clear to customers that your special hours are accurate.

Set special hours

  1. Go to your Business Profile. Learn how to find your profile.
  2. To edit your special hours:
    • With Google Search, select Edit profile.
    • With Google Maps, select Edit profile and then Business information.
  3. Near the top, select the Hours tab.
  4. Next to 'Special hours', select Edit Pencil icon/edit icon.
  5. Select the date.
    • To confirm suggested date: Select Review.
    • To set a custom date: Select Add a date. Then, enter the date.
    • For edit existing dates: Select the existing date. 
  6. Update your hours.
    • If you’re open for the day: Untick the 'Closed' box. Then, enter your open and closed hours.
    • If you're closed for the day: Make sure that the 'Closed' box is ticked.
    • To add multiple sets of hours for the date: Select More More and then Add hours +. Then, enter the hours.
    • To delete special hours:
      • If your business is closed: Next to the date, select Delete Trash.
      • If your business is open: Next to the hours, select More More and then Remove day Trash.
  7. Select Save.
After your hours are saved, you can find them in the 'Hours' tab in your 'Business information' or directly in 'Edit profile' under 'Special hours'.
Set special hours through spreadsheet
  1. In your bulk upload spreadsheet, locate the 'Special hours' column.
  2. Enter the affected days and their special hours with 'x' to designate an all-day closure. 
    • For example:
      • 24-hour format: YYYY-MM-DD: HH:MM-HH:MM
      • A.M. or P.M. format: YYYY-MM-DD: HH:MM AM-HH:MM PM
  3. Save and import your spreadsheet. Your special hours will appear to customers on Google only for the designated days.

If you only add special hours to existing businesses, you can include only the shop code and special hours columns on the spreadsheet. If you include empty columns or columns with headings but no information beneath them, existing information for those columns will be erased. If you add a new business, you’ll be alerted that you’re missing required column headings.

Tip: Separate each set of hours with a comma. To enter multiple sets of opening hours in one day, separate the sets into two entries with a comma. Learn how to format hours.

  • For example, the following represents hours for a business that’s open for two distinct periods on 26 December 2015:
    2015-11-26: x, 2015-12-25: x, 2015-12-26: 10:00-16:00, 2015-12-26: 17:00-18:00, 2016-1-1: 00:00-00:00
Set hours that extend into the next day
Important: A set of special hours can't exceed 24 hours.

A set of special hours can't exceed 24 hours. If a set of special hours extends from before midnight one day and past noon the next day, break the hours into multiple sets:

  • One set that runs until the end of the first day
  • One set that begins at midnight of the second day

For example, if your business is open from 7.00 p.m. until 5.00 p.m. the next day, enter your hours as follows:

  • 2015-11-26: 19:00-00:00, 2015-11-27: 00:00-17:00

In this case, your normal hours for the second day are ignored in favour of the special hours. If you want to keep any of the next day's hours, include them again in your list of special hours, such as:

  • 2015-11-27: 20:00-22:00

Other operation changes

Important: For special hours to show up on your Business Profile, set your opening hours to 'Open with main hours'.

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