Manage photos or videos for your Business Profile

To help complete your Business Profile and make it more attractive to customers, you can add photos or videos of your storefront, products, and services. When you add an exterior photo, it helps customers recognize your business when they visit.

Your photos show up on Google only after you verify your Business Profile.

Manage your business

Photo & video guidelines

For the photos and videos you want to add to your Business Profile, make sure they follow Google’s guidelines and requirements, and comply with Google’s content policy. If your business has 10 or more locations, you can bulk upload photos through spreadsheet.

Photo guidelines

Your photos look best on Google if they meet the following standards:

  • Format: JPG or PNG.
  • Size: Between 10 KB and 5 MB.
  • Recommended resolution: 720 px tall, 720 px wide.
  • Minimum resolution: 250 px tall, 250 px wide.
  • Quality: The photo should be in focus and well lit, and have no significant alterations or excessive use of filters. In other words, the image should represent reality.

Video guidelines

Make sure your videos meet the following requirements:

  • Duration: Up to 30 seconds long
  • File size: Up to 75 MB
  • Resolution: 720p or higher

Types of photos you can add

There are several types of photos you can add to your Business Profile:

  • Logo: Help your customers recognize your business on Google. For businesses that have their basic information, such as a phone number or hours of operation, the Business Profile highlights the logo.
  • Cover photo: Set a cover photo at the top of your profile that best represents your business. In some instances, this action doesn’t guarantee the cover photo will show up as the first image for your business.
  • Business photos: Add different photos to highlight features of your business to attract and inform customers. Learn more about business photos.

Add photos or videos to your Business Profile with Google Search or Maps from your computer

  1. On your computer, open Google Search or Maps.
  2. Search for your business's name and city.
  3. To add a photo or video, click Photos and then Add photos.
  4. Select your photo or video.
    • You can choose multiple photos or videos.

Tip: You can find your uploaded photos or videos on your Business Profile.

Add a cover photo or logo to your Business Profile with Google Search or Maps from your computer

  1. On your computer, open Google Search or Maps.
  2. Search for your business's name and city.
  3. To add a cover photo or logo, click Photos and then Add a cover photo or Add a logo.
    • To change the cover photo or logo, click Change cover or Change logo.
  4. Select your photo.

Remove your photo or video from your Business Profile with Google Search or Maps from your computer

  1. On your computer, open Google Search or Maps.
  2. Search for your business's name and city.
  3. To remove a photo or video, click Photos.
  4. Scroll and select the photo or video you want to remove.
  5. Click Delete .
    • To confirm that you want to remove the photo or video, click Delete.

Tip: You can also request to remove customer added photos. Learn how to remove customer photos.

Photo & video upload status

After you upload a photo or video, we review it to make sure it meets our photos and videos policies. Here are some statuses you'll find when you upload a media: 

  • Pending: The media is in either the upload or processing stage, or your profile is currently not verified. Pending media doesn’t show up on Google Search or Maps to customers.
  • Not approved: The media is flagged and has violated policies. Since it was flagged, the media doesn't show up on Google Search or Maps.
  • Live: The media shows up on Search and Maps for customers. 

Tip: It can take up to 24–48 hours before your photos and videos show on your Business Profile. 

Logo photo missing

If your logo photo doesn't appear, make sure you've entered all of the necessary info in your Business Profile. This includes:

  • Name
  • Valid location with a street address
  • Categories
  • Phone number
  • Opening hours

If the cover photo you select is low-quality or if other sources suggest that it’s not the best photo to represent your business, a user-submitted photo may be selected instead.

Related resources

Get help from Small Business Advisors

Want to receive one-on-one guidance and tailored recommendations on how to make the most out of your Business Profile? Try booking an appointment with Small Business Advisors.

Important: This service cannot troubleshoot issues, including Business Profile verification or suspension, or Google Ads billing.

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