Step 6. Provide prices

Quick steps

  1. ​On the book's 'Prices' tab, add a new price.
  2. Enter the currency, value and the applicable countries for the price.

We require a price in order to list your book on Google Play. If you wish to make your book available at no charge, please enter zero as the price. Google will calculate your revenue share based on the list price that you provide. There are three required components for a price:

  • Currency,
  • Numeric amount
  • Countries where the price applies

Google needs a price in the local currency for each country where you want to sell the book. For example, to sell in the US, you must either:

  • Directly provide a price in US dollars.
  • Enable conversion (Accounts created after July 2014 have this option turned on by default), and include the US in the list of countries where a price in another country should be applied.

You can provide multiple prices with different settings, such as different currencies if necessary.

Detailed steps

  1. Sign in to the Partner Centre.
  2. Go to the Prices tab for the book.
  3. Click Add a new price and then Currency. Enter the currency formatted as a 3-letter ISO 4217 code, such as USD for US dollars.
  4. To enter the numeric price, click Amount.
  5. If you don't want this price to apply to all possible countries, click World and enter the list of countries where you'd like this price to apply, formatted according to our guidelines.

  • If currency conversion is enabled (for accounts created after July 2014, this option is on by default), you can list countries that use a different currency to the one that you specified or use the keyword World to indicate all your sales territories. Your converted prices will be based on your list price.
  • If you're not using the currency conversion tool, you should provide separate list prices in the local currency for each country where you wish to sell the book.

Go to your book catalogue

Advanced price settings, such as whether the price applies to countries where you're subject to fixed book price laws, can be configured by clicking More details.

Learn more

Book prices

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