Currency conversion for books on Google Play


  • Google Play partners can sell ebooks and audiobooks in certain countries/regions. The features described here aren't available in every country/region.
    • Due to regulatory requirements, Google can't offer pre-orders in India. Your book will be available in the Google Play Store in India on the release date.
  • Pre-orders allow customers to order, but not read, your book before its release date. On the release date, customers who pre-ordered your book are charged for the purchase and they gain access to the book.
  • Before you upload any files, make sure your content meets Google's guidelines. If you plan to sell your books on Google Play, review our publisher content policies for books on Google Play.
  • Analytics charts and sales transaction reports use the date the customer placed the pre-order, so that you can measure customer anticipation level. Revenue shown in such orders isn't paid to you until the book is released. For a financial report that matches your payment, go to Google Play earnings reports.

Purchase currency

Buyers view prices for books on Google Play in their local currency or in USD or EUR at the discretion of the Google Play Store in that country. If partners can't provide prices in the purchase currency, they can enable currency conversion in the Payment Center of their account. (Accounts created after July 2014 have currency conversion enabled by default.) This will allow Google to automatically convert prices provided by a partner in a base currency into other currencies.

Converted prices

Currency conversion for book prices can be enabled or disabled in the Payment Center. If currency conversion is enabled, partners can provide prices in multiple base currencies, and specify the target sales territories for conversion from each base currency. For example, a partner may choose to have prices for all European countries converted from a base price in euros, and to have prices for all North American countries converted from a base price in U.S. dollars. See the rules and examples for using currency conversion with ONIX, how to configure converted prices with spreadsheets, or how to set prices in the Partner Center.

Converted prices will only apply to books in sales territories where the partner has not provided prices in the local currency. Providing a price directly in the local currency via ONIX or a spreadsheet will overwrite the converted price.

Converted prices should not be used in countries where book prices are fixed by law. If fixed prices apply for a country, you must provide that price in the local currency.

Currency conversion is an opt-in tool. Partners can disable currency conversion at any time. Disabling currency conversion will remove all converted prices, which will remove books from sale in those territories until the partner provides prices in the local currency.

Currency conversion for fixed price promo codes

To create fixed price promo codes, partners must enable currency conversion in their account’s Payment Center. For fixed price promotions, partners enter a price in a single currency which automatically converts to the user’s currency based on the exchange rate.

For example:

Partner’s list price in US dollars: $5.99 USD
Partner’s price with promo code: $4.99 USD
Example euro exchange rate: 0.89

US user’s purchase price with promo code: $4.99 USD
German user’s purchase price with promo code: €4.44 EUR (price with promo code multiplied by the exchange rate)

Using currency conversion with ONIX

Please note these rules for using currency conversion with ONIX:
  • We will use a list price in a country if all the following conditions are met:
    • The country is in the sales rights for the book.
    • The country is in the supply-to countries in the supply detail (ONIX code j138). If the supply-to countries are blank, we assume WORLD.
    • The country is in the countries (ONIX code b251) or region (ONIX code j303) for the list price. If both are blank, we assume WORLD.
  • If you have conflicting prices for a country, we will use the price in the local currency; if none exists, we will use the price in the default base currency.
  • We can convert from any price type you provide, with a preference for RRP (recommended retail price) price types if you provide more than one. Converted prices always have a price type of 01 (if the country where the converted price is used requires a tax-inclusive price) or 02 (if the country where the converted price is used requires a tax-exclusive price). If you need to use a different price type than 01 or 02 for a country, you must provide that price in local currency.

Examples (click to expand)

Example A

For a specific book, you want to use currency conversion to convert your USD price for worldwide sales. You turn on currency conversion and list USD as your default base currency. You have worldwide sales rights for this book.

Below are several sample configurations that achieve the goal of using the USD price for worldwide sales. We have also listed "incorrect" configurations that are valid ONIX, but will not achieve the desired goal.

Correct ONIX Configuration 1

ONIX 2.1

Explanation: The CAD price is not used for conversion because it applies only to CA, not to WORLD. The USD price is used even though it has no territories, because you have worldwide rights for this book.

Correct ONIX Configuration 2

ONIX 2.1

Explanation: The USD price is used for conversion because it has WORLD as a territory and the first price is restricted to CA only, and you have worldwide rights for the book.

Correct ONIX Configuration 3

ONIX 2.1

Explanation: The USD price is used for conversion because because the CAD price is restricted to CA, and the USD price is set for WORLD -CA due to ROW.

Correct ONIX Configuration 4

ONIX 2.1

Explanation: Neither prices have a territory associated, so the USD price is used for conversion because it is your default base currency.

Incorrect ONIX Configuration 1

ONIX 2.1

Explanation: Both prices have a specific associated that is not WORLD, so neither currency is used for conversion.

Incorrect ONIX Configuration 2

ONIX 2.1

Explanation: The CAD price is used for conversion, because the USD price has a specific country associated with it.

Incorrect ONIX Configuration 3

ONIX 2.1

Explanation: Neither price has a country, but neither price is in your default base currency, so we will not convert because we don't know how to break this tie.

Example B

You want to use currency conversion to convert your USD price for worldwide sales, with one exception: converting your GBP price for sales in INR. You turn currency conversion on and list USD as your default base currency. You have worldwide sales rights for this book.

Below is a sample configuration that achieves the goal of using the USD price for worldwide sales, and the GBP price for sales in INR. We have also listed "incorrect" configurations that are valid ONIX, but will not achieve the desired goal.

Correct ONIX Configuration

ONIX 2.1
    <CountriesIncluded>GB IN</CountriesIncluded>

Explanation: The GBP price is converted to INR because IN is specified in the countries and the USD uses ROW, which means that the USD price is for WORLD -GB -IN.

Incorrect ONIX Configuration 1

ONIX 2.1

Explanation: Neither price will be used for conversion because both have a specific country specified that is not WORLD.

Incorrect ONIX Configuration 2

ONIX 2.1
    <CountriesIncluded>GB IN</CountriesIncluded>

Explanation: The countries for USD are blank, so we consider USD to be a WORLD price. USD is the default base currency, so the USD price will be converted to INR.

Revenue payment currency

Once a partner enables a territory for sale, the partner should also indicate within its account settings how it wishes to be paid for sales made in that territory (including the desired bank account for payout). Partners must provide a local business address and local bank account for at least one territory supported for payments. Google can make payments to the partner in the local currency of any territory where it has a local business address and bank account details for the partner, with the exceptions below. If the selected bank account is in a different country than the sales territory, payments to the partner will be made in the local currency of the bank account, except where noted below.

For bank accounts in some countries, Google makes deposits via wire transfer in U.S. dollars. Please check the list of supported countries to see if your country receives payments by wire transfer.

Revenue share for books sold at converted prices will be calculated using the converted price, not the base price.

Exchange rates

The foreign exchange rates at the time that currency conversion is enabled will be used to generate converted prices. Google will automatically refresh the foreign exchange rates that generate converted prices once per quarter. Prices based on these rates will persist until:

  • The partner manually refreshes the foreign exchange rate by visiting the Payment Center.
  • The partner overwrites the converted prices by setting a local currency price.
  • Google refreshes the foreign exchange rate in the next quarter.

Whenever the purchase currency and the payout currency differ, Google will use the current exchange rate at the time that the purchase is made in order to convert the payment due to the partner. This rate is updated regularly throughout the day.

Any refunds issued will be issued in the same currency as the purchase, and will be calculated using the original exchange rate applied at the time of purchase.

Fees and risk of loss

By opting to use the Currency Conversion Tool, partner accepts all risks and liabilities associated with using the tool. Partner acknowledges and agrees that they bear all risk of loss arising from any changes in the currency exchange rates between the time transactions are processed and the time that funds are sent to their designated bank account. Partner also acknowledges and agrees that they bear all risk of loss arising from any changes in the currency exchange rates for converted prices, or from outdated currency exchange rates. It is the partner's responsibility to refresh the currency exchange rates for converted prices.

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