Google Play earnings reports


  • Google Play Partners can sell eBooks and audiobooks in certain countries/regions. The features described here aren't available in every country/region.
    • Due to regulatory requirements, Google can't offer pre-orders in India. Your book will be available in the Google Play Store in India on the release date.
  • Pre-orders allow customers to order, but not read, your book before its release date. On the release date, customers who pre-ordered your book are charged for the purchase and they gain access to the book.
  • Before you upload any files, make sure that your content meets Google's guidelines. If you plan to sell your books on Google Play, review our publisher content policies for books on Google Play.
  • Analytics charts and sales transaction reports use the date the customer placed the pre-order, so that you can measure customer anticipation level. Revenue shown in such orders isn't paid to you until the book is released. For a financial report that matches your payment, go to Google Play earnings reports.

Google generates a monthly earnings report for each payment profile in your account. This is the only report that matches the payment amount you receive each month. Transaction reports and summary reports are based on the user's initial click date rather than the fulfilled order date. You can filter the list of available earnings reports by year.

Download earnings reports

  1. To view your earnings reports, on the left, click Reports
  2. To expand the list of available reports for each payment profile, click the down arrow Down arrow.
  3. Next to the report that you want, click Download Download.
Tip: If you can’t access earnings reports, make sure that you have 'Payment Centre' access.

Find information in your earnings reports

Earnings reports contain:

Earnings date

The date on which the publisher received payment for the transaction. If the transaction is a refund, this date is the date of the payment affected by the refund.

Transaction date

The date of the transaction.


A unique identifier for the transaction.


Whether the transaction was a purchase or a rental.

  • Single Purchase: A normal sale.
  • Rental: A limited-term rental. Includes the time period of the rental.


The type of transaction:

  • Sale: The book was sold.
  • Refund: The book was returned and refunded.


Whether this transaction applies to a pre-order.

  • Authorised: The buyer pre-ordered the book, and it hasn't been delivered yet. This category only appears on reports  generated before the book’s on-sale date.
  • Cancelled: The pre-order was cancelled before delivery.
  • Fulfilled: The book was pre-ordered and has been delivered.
  • None: The transaction didn't involve a pre-order.


The number of books in the transaction. If this number is negative, it means that the transaction was refunded.

Primary ISBN

The primary ISBN or other identifier for the book, prefixed by a single quotation mark so that spreadsheet programs display the entire ISBN.

Imprint name

The template used for the book when it was sold.


The title of the book.


The author of the book.

Original list price currency

For converted prices, the currency of the list price before currency conversion. Otherwise, the same as "List Price Currency."

Original list price

For converted prices, the list price before currency conversion. Otherwise, the same as 'List price', without tax.

List price currency

The currency of the book's list price.

List price [tax inclusive]

The list price of the book, with taxes.

List price [tax exclusive]

The list price of the book, without taxes.

Country of sale

The country where the buyer bought the book.

Publisher revenue %

The publisher's percentage of the list price.

Publisher revenue

The amount of revenue that the publisher earned. If this number is negative, it means that the transaction was refunded.

Earnings currency

The currency of the publisher's earnings.

Earnings amount

The amount of the publisher's net earnings from this transaction. If this number is negative, it means that the transaction was refunded.

Currency conversion rate

If the earnings currency and the purchase currency differ, this is the exchange rate between the two currencies.

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